Chapter 2 - Unexpected events

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Chapter 2 - Unexpected events

6 more days until I can see Zhan!

This morning I should have been able to sleep in, since I didn't have to go to college until noon. Unfortunately, my mother forgot about it and woke me up once again in her own disturbing way. With her super loud new vacuum cleaner she walked back and forth in front of my room until I opened the room door and then she asked me with a smile, "Oh did I wake you up?" What a stupid question.

I looked at her annoyed, she continued to grin and said, "Well now that you're awake you can shower, get dressed and go shopping for me at the mall and pick up your dad's suits at the laundry." Ahhh, I knew she was doing that on purpose!

Since I didn't feel like discussing it, nor was I awake enough, I just nodded and went to shower as she instructed. I was not even allowed to have breakfast!

And more misfortune was waiting for me. The mall is a few miles away and so is the laundry. The problem? My mother's car wouldn't start. My bike still has flats because my dad hasn't gotten around to changing the inner tube yet. Well, he really wanted to do it himself.

So I had to take the crowded bus. At this time of the day, there were a lot of schoolchildren, university students and workers, but also a lot of older people on the bus. I was standing right next to an old woman who sat next to me and still clung to me. I swear, her looks were anything but grandmotherly.

Next to me was a student whose acne was really bad. I felt bad for her. Still, it disgusted me when she scratched open her pimples. On the other side of me was a man who smelled like he had just come out of a pigsty where he had drunk at least 5 liters of liquor. And behind me the guy probably also had no time to shower this morning.

By the time I finally reached my stop, my appetite had gone and my eyes were watering from the stench around me. Also, the old woman was drooling all over my white shirt, which was really gross.

First I got the things from the dry cleaners, I put them in my backpack, my mother will curse because she must then iron them again, and slowly walked on to the mall. And of course, in the supermarket once again all hell broke loose.

Annoyed mothers with their screaming toddlers, students who want to get something quickly on the way to university and are in a hurry and then, like every damn time I have to shop, many old people standing in the aisles, in front of the shelves where I must be, and talk and talk.

Politely educated as I am, I asked an elderly gentleman to move aside briefly so that I could get to the shelf with these chocolate bars for my mother. But I guess the old gentleman didn't think that was nice enough and looked at me grumpily before stepping aside. And then this one groaned to his buddy with whom he was blocking the aisle and the shelves: "Look at that. No work, no study. The youth these days just sits around lazily at home and then stuffs this sweet stuff into themselves. And his parents have to serve him for sure. He must be some punk who's good for nothing."

If he wasn't an old fart, I would have turned around and given him a decent piece of my mind! But he's old now, and if I yell at him, he might have a heart attack yet, and I'll have a person on my conscience before I've even had my first kiss.

Ah, when I think of kissing, I immediately think of that adorable Zhan and the fact that I get to spend a week with him soon. Oh how I'm looking forward to it. Already I'm imagining what it will be like. He and I on the beach, it's evening, above us the night sky and he and I are all alone in that moment. I would try to touch his hand. Haha, the thought makes my stomach tingle.

But back to reality, because there was a mega long line of waiting customers waiting in front of me. This damn supermarket has 8 checkouts! Whole 8 pieces! But only two are open and of course everyone is in a hurry. And of course I'm standing at the checkout again, where the cashier has a speed where even a snail is faster than her.

Around me, the old ones grumble because they can't stand for so long because of their old age diseases. But standing around in the aisles and talking for hours goes! Very strange.

When the supermarket management finally showed a little mercy and opened a third checkout, I felt as if I were in a safari watching a pride of hungry lions pounce on an animal. The old ones rushed off with their shopping carts, the young ones ran, and the saleswoman rushed to the back and behind the cash register. They all pushed each other like wild animals, because everyone wanted to be the first. Their bad luck, it was an old man in front, who took a long time to unpack his purchase.

Meanwhile, it also went on at a snail's pace at my checkout. The cashier who constantly has a gaze on the fact where you just want to punch, grumpily muttered her: "Good morning, thank you, please, goodbye". With each one the same and with each one her gaze only became more unbearable.

While the other lines at the cash registers became shorter and shorter, it went with me only very slowly. I was already thinking about calling out to this brat that she was at work and shouldn't fall asleep, when a woman in front of me yelled: "Will this still be something today? At this pace, I'll still be standing here by tomorrow." I can understand the woman, she had two screaming kids with her that were getting more and more unbearable the longer she had to wait.

And I think the stupid bitch at the checkout became even slower. Already out of spite!

Fortunately, her manager also took notice and then spurred her on by saying, "How about picking up the pace a little? How long do you want customers to wait?"

The cashier's response, "I'm already doing what I can." Ah I could really strangle her.

When I finally got to the checkout, I put my purchase on the treadmill, looked around at who else was in the supermarket, and stared in shock at one person. Not shocked, frozen. There was Zhan! And, he was looking in my direction! And, he seemed to recognize me because of the pictures Suri showed him. And, I had damn sanitary napkins for my mother on the treadmill, chocolate, sweet candies and that amount of other unhealthy stuff!

Suri once told me that Zhan is very careful about his healthy eating. And I have half a candy shelf on the treadmill and sanitary napkins!

I put on my hood and pulled it way down to my eyes, put the groceries in the cart, paid and just wanted to leave quickly. I didn't want to meet Zhan like this and in this way. But, fate meant otherwise.

Because even if he didn't recognize me, Suri did. I had not even seen her!

I was already heading towards the exit when I heard a very, very, very loud "BoBo" yell behind me. I had about 2 seconds to think what to do. Do I ignore Suri and just run out quickly, or do I turn around and risk embarrassing myself.

My Evil Heart decided on the second option. I spin around and said, "Oh hey, haha, Suri. I wasn't expecting you at all."

She completely ignored my desperate, I want to get out of here, look and said, "Zhan is here too." And already she was calling him to us. He came then, with this beautiful woman walking towards us and my heart sank almost to my little toe because my head told me she must be his girlfriend.

But Suri at least now recognized my look and whispered, "This is Emma, Zhan's best friend." My heart slowly slid back up and then jerked almost to my throat as Zhan came over to us, smiling. Oh how I missed that smile.

He reached out his hand to me and I felt his wonderful soft skin as he said, "Hi, I'm Zhan and this is my best friend Emma. Nice to finally meet you."

I planned so many times what I want to say and actually I said, "Yeah I know, haha." Oh man that was embarrassing!

I was even more embarrassed when Zhan inspected my purchase. "Oh your mom must be getting ready." He said, grinning so sweetly that I just nodded like an idiot, smiling from ear to ear.

Suri then brutally shoved her elbow into my ribs and asked me if I was there on my bike or in my mom's car. I explained to her how I got here and of course in detail so everyone would also know what I had to suffer on the bus this morning and Zhan starts laughing. It wasn't planned, but it was nice that I could amuse him with my story.

I packed up my groceries, I just threw them on top of my dad's freshly cleaned suits, in the backpack and was about to say goodbye when Zhan said, "Oh come on. My car is right there, I'll drive you home."

I was still thinking, OK, Suri and his Emma will be there too. But fiddlesticks, the two went into a café and left me with Zhan ALONE!

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