11. Reconciliation

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Although I was really tired when I went to bed and just wanted to sleep, I lay awake for a long time thinking about that stupid evening. For me, Emma is to blame for everything and now I also know what my mother meant when she told me to be careful.

When I woke up, I wasn't asleep very long, everyone else was still in their beds. Not wanting to wake any of them up, I went to take a shower, got dressed, grabbed my camera and went outside to the beach.

I felt strange. Even though Zhan apologized and I wasn't mad at him anymore anyway, I still felt so incredibly disappointed. But, not by Zhan. But, of myself. Not only did I fail to stop my best friend from having a huge fight with her big brother, I also made my great love, my dream man cry. I even feel ashamed about it.

Not knowing what to do, I even called my mother and told her what had happened. And her answer was, "Kick that Emma's butt so hard that she makes her first braking attempts in the Arctic and then gets stuck there somewhere between the glaciers." I really had to laugh at that.

In the end, she said, I have no reason to be disappointed in myself and I have nothing to be ashamed of either. "You reacted just right and showed that you don't put up with everything and are perfectly capable of making a real announcement so they take you seriously."

"But mom, he was crying," I said.

"No but my son. I'm sure he was pretty upset himself yesterday because of everything that had happened, and then when you talked him into it, I'm sure he unloaded everything that had built up over the day and evening. And you took him in your arms and comforted him, so you don't have to blame yourself. Today is a new day, forget what was yesterday and start again. And if that Emma keeps causing trouble, let me know and I'll come to you with my witch's broom and turn her into a little rat so everyone can see who she really is." My mother replied, which made us both laugh heartily.

I walked along the beach for a while before I put my feet in the water near our house and just enjoyed the fresh sea air. And then Emma came!

In a snarky tone, she said, "Yibo, I need to talk to you."

"Go ahead." I replied, already getting ready for a fight inside.

"I want the sleeping situation to stay like last night. You sleep with Suri in the room and I sleep with Zhan."

"And I want you to get out of my sun. Why are you telling me this? Talk to Zhan about it."

"He'll be more likely to agree if you go along with my opinion."

"Well, I won't do that. You can't expect any help from me."

"Oh yeah? So you want him to know you have a secret crush on him?"

"Secretly? I don't think it could be more obvious than that. And just as an aside. I don't have a crush on him, I love him. There's a big difference."

"So what? I don't care. The fact is, you'll never have a chance with him anyway. You see, he's not into men. Besides, he had a girlfriend when I met him back then. Only it didn't work out between them because they went different ways after university."

"And you're telling me this because? And just by the way, it's weird that apparently only you knew about this relationship. Zhan, who tells his parents everything, hid something as important as a girlfriend? Mhhh, it's strange, don't you think? Why don't you just admit that you see more in him than just a best friend and are therefore even willing to spread lies about him just to have him to yourself. But you know what? I'm smarter than you and I'm certainly not going to be impressed by that."

"You shouldn't be so disrespectful to me. And stay away from Zhan."

"First, I'm certainly not going to stay away from Zhan just because you want me to. And second, you don't deserve respect. Or did you forget during your little show interlude yesterday that Suri is Zhan's little sister? That she last saw him over four years ago and was crazy happy to be able to see her brother and spend time with him? While you could see him almost every day for the past few years. And one more thing. If Zhan would see in you more than his best friend, why hasn't he ever tried anything with you in the past few years?"

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