Chapter 4 - Annoyed

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Chapter 4 - Annoyed

I have another best friend. He is a Korean and his name is Seungyoun. We've known each other for a long time. I've known him even longer than Suri. We usually get along very well and also share some hobbies, like singing and dancing.

Only when it comes to the subject of love, we don't understand each other at all. There has been more than one discussion about this. Because while I firmly believe that true love can be found at the first time and I also believe that love at first sight exists, I have experienced it myself, Seungyoun has a completely different opinion.

According to him, it is necessary to fall in love more than once to realize and know what love is. And he also said there is no such thing as love at first sight. "At most, attraction, but not love. Because to love, you must first get to know the person." Those were his words.

So there are always discussions about that between us and even more when I talk about Zhan. Of course, he knows about my feelings for Zhan. But he doesn't understand and thinks I'm only attracted to him because he looks so cute.

When I told Seungyoun, or Youn for short, during a short break that the professor allowed us, that I thought I might have a chance with Zhan after all, the fuss was big again. Youn didn't even know what happened this morning. He didn't even give me the time to tell him, but immediately started complaining that I should stop talking about Zhan all the time and that I would never meet him in person anyway.

Suri then indicated to me not to say anything else and asked Youn if we should take him by car this afternoon. Since he doesn't have a car, he has to rely on the bus and it is always so crowded in the afternoon that people can only stand there pressed against each other and can hardly breathe. I know this, because when Suri can't take me with her, because she has to go somewhere else after university, I'm always stuck in these buses between all these other people.

Youn, of course, was immediately up for it and was even happy that we were willing to take a detour because of him. I wonder what Zhan will say? After all, Suri didn't ask him. Anyway, Suri and I are very curious to see how Youn will react when he sees Zhan later and sees that I have already met him.

As the three of us walked towards the parking lot where Zhan was waiting for us, I was excited like a little boy on Christmas morning. I thought of two things, the first and most important to me, I will see my angel Zhan again, the second, Seungyoun will have to realize that hope is not always in vain.

The closer we got to the parking lot, the more nervous I became. Suri took my hand and giggled, "Someone is about to get big eyes." She whispered to me. I was way too excited and couldn't answer, I just wanted to finally get to Zhan.

Zhan's car came into view and so did Zhan. I automatically walked faster and almost dragged Suri behind me. Why did she have to walk so slowly? Seungyoun had no problems to keep up with me, but he seemed to realize slowly what was going on. At least according to his astonished look.

Zhan waved and even came to meet us. For a reason still unknown to me, he took my bag from me, but not Suri's. She pinched my arm and whispered, giggling, "Well, if that's not a sign." I was too confused to react.

Youn stared at me with wide eyes and I said, "Um, yeah that's my Zhan. I met him this morning." He didn't say anything, but as wide as his mouth was open, two small birds could have settled in it and built a nest.

Arriving at the car, Zhan put my bag in the trunk and let Suri tell him who the other "guy" was. She told him he was my best friend, Zhan eyed me with a strange look, nodded and said, "Yibo you can sit in the front, Suri and your best friend go in the back with Emma."

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