13. Room with double bed

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Zhan and I just kept looking at each other and into each other's eyes until I asked him, "Can't sleep?"

"Not really." Replied Zhan.

"Why not?"

"I can't stop thinking about what Emma said to you and it makes me angry and think."

"Well, sort it out with her later. It won't do you any good to worry your head about it now in the night."

Zhan sat up again and said, "I know, yes. And you're right, too. Still, it annoys me. And I wonder if she's done this more than once. I mean with people I've met. Quite normal friendship met and then after a few days or weeks, they did not get in touch with me again. And they didn't explain to me why."

I crawled out of bed and sat down next to Zhan, who even gave me some space right away. I took his hand and said, "Now listen to me carefully Zhan. Emma sees more in you than her best friend. She told me so herself. I don't know if she said something similar to others as she did to me. But, it's possible. You have to get rid of your anger now, though. It's not good to go to sleep angry."

"I wish it were that easy. If I imagine she had said it to someone else who knew my parents and the person had called my parents on it, what do you think would have happened?"

"I can imagine it Zhan. They would have been more than disappointed."

"Yeah. And that makes me angry. I mean, thank God it didn't turn out that way. But just thinking what if is enough. What if you hadn't told me what lies she was spreading? Would she have gone on forever?"

I hugged Zhan and said, "Don't worry. After all, I told you and later you can work it out with Emma at your leisure, but now you should try to sleep." Zhan nodded and lay back down in his bed. I was about to get up and go back to my bed when he tapped the beside him.

"Are you going to stay here for a while?" Zhan asked. I was glad that the light had been off, otherwise I'm sure he would have seen how red I was blushing. But, I laid down next to him and he even put his head on my arm. Just like that.

I turned a little to the side and looked at Zhan, who was also lying on his side. I suddenly got all brave and stroked his cheek and told him to just sleep and everything else would work out later. Zhan nodded and moved a little closer to me. Could I push my luck again? Yes! I put my arm over his shoulder and pulled him even closer to me.

Zhan looked at me with wide eyes and my heart was about to fly off with his rocket engine again. This time probably further than just to the moon and back.

I stroked his shoulder, then stroked his hair, running my thumb over his forehead, and finally stroked his cheek again. Then, when Zhan put his hands to my chest and caressed it with his index finger, there was only one thought left in my mind. Kiss him! But, were we really ready? After so few days and nights here, could that be enough? Was it perhaps only because of this moment that Zhan seemed to me like he wanted to be kissed?

I was ready for anything at that moment. I waited so many years for such an opportunity. But was Zhan ready? He was angry and disappointed about Emma and maybe he would do this just to distract himself. What if he regretted it afterwards? Would he perhaps accuse me of taking advantage of his emotional situation?

When Zhan raised his left hand and suddenly stroked his index finger across my chin and finally even my lower lip, my concerns were swept away. Especially when Zhan lifted his head and came closer to me of his own accord. Suddenly our lips were only a few millimeters apart, Zhan even closed his eyes, and then? Then there was a sign that it was probably too soon after all. Because somewhere in the house a smoke alarm sounded.

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