14. He will freak out otherwise!

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After we were all complete, we immediately wanted to go shopping. But, before that, Zhan grabbed his best friend and dragged her to the beach to talk to her. We even saw them discussing, but thanks to the strong wind that came up overnight, we couldn't understand anything.

When the two of them came back to us after almost half an hour, Emma reached out first to me and then to Suri to apologize to us. We were really surprised by this.

We then, after accepting Emma's apology, drove together to the neighboring town to do some shopping. The place is not much bigger either, but there is a much bigger supermarket there, with much more selection. Also, there were no women sitting at the checkout counters looking like they had just returned from fishing.

Our shopping went without incident and was done quickly. We went to a bakery where we bought freshly baked bread and rolls. We also went to a liquor store and bought some alcohol. Tomorrow is Suri's birthday and we want to have a little party in the evening.

On the way back to our beach house, we saw an ice cream truck and each bought a huge portion of ice cream. Whereby Zhan tasted again and again from my ice cream.

Back at the beach house, I helped Zhan cook dinner. I wanted it to be quick. On the one hand I was really hungry and on the other hand I didn't want us to leave too late for the bay. Before we ate, Zhan wanted to tell them about it.

Zhan said to both girls, "Today Yibo and I will go to the bay and stay there for a few hours. We may not come back until it gets dark. And this time I don't want any fuss from you Emma."

Suri responded as expected and wished us fun. Emma looked less than enthusiastic, but said nothing and just nodded. "I was going to spend the day in front of the TV anyway, it's too windy out there." She said after a few minutes where no one really knew what she was talking about because the topic had long since ended.

At 5 pm Zhan and I listened to the weather report again, then we headed out. Since Zhan and I had our cameras with us, it took us a little longer to get there because we kept stopping to take pictures of some sort.

When we finally reached the bay, we put a blanket on the sand, left our drinks and some snacks in our backpacks, which also had to serve as weights for our blanket.

We took a closer look at the bay and even found a small cave. Big enough for two of us to lie in it, but nothing more. Then Zhan offered me to take pictures of him. He and I wrote about it, that I wanted to gain experience with it.

Zhan was my model and I was his photographer. Every now and then he explained to me from which angle a picture looked better and which settings fit best when. It was like the master and his apprentice, but very interesting and it was also a lot of fun.

We were also in the water a few times and had a huge fun time. As we swam and teased each other, the time almost flew by.

We sat on our blanket, snuggled in another blanket because the wind was really cruel, ate some snacks together, talked and laughed.

As the sun slowly set, we sat on the blanket, together under the other blanket, watching the sun disappear. It was a great sight. But it really got interesting when it was dark around us and I was already thinking we were about to go back to the beach house.

I asked Zhan, "Now that it's dark, do you want to go back?"

Zhan shook his head and replied, "No, I want to stay here with you longer. It's nice here and being alone with you pleases me. Or do you want to go back to the two girls?"

"No. I like to stay here with you longer." I said.

We lay down on the blanket and looked up at the starry sky. Once again, I admired that starry splendor and wondered what it might be like up there in space. I know the pictures, but, what must it feel like to be up there and so close to the stars?

How to make him fall for me? [YiZhan FF - RomCom]✔️Where stories live. Discover now