22. Back in Beijing

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We waited for Emma at the restaurant for over an hour, but she never showed up. Then when Zhan called her to ask where she was, she said she forgot all about it and was just on her way to Chicago for a modeling job she got in at the last minute. Great, we wasted our time for that.

Right from the restaurant, we took a cab to the airport. An hour later, we were on the plane. Zhan and I talked there again about wanting to move in together. Actually, we wanted to tell our parents as soon as possible, but now, after we slept on it for a night, we want to give ourselves a few more weeks. After all, we've only been together a week.

The first two hours on the plane were very quiet. A lot of people just slept. Zhan and I talked about our parents and our plans to move in together and then want to sleep as well. But then it got chaotic and loud. And all because of two 7 year old boys. Twins who have made it their mission to really get on the nerves of everyone who isn't in first class like their parents.

At first they chased each other through the hallways, laughing out loud and it was ok. But after they had been doing that for 15 minutes, it got really annoying. Then they ran through the aisles, banging their hands on the passengers' seat backs.

They bounced, screeched, argued, threw their ball back and forth. And the flight attendants had their hands full with just them. But these guys didn't listen. A man from one of the front seats yelled at one of the flight attendants and said, "If you don't get a hold of these kids right now, I'm going to grab these two and beat them up."

I suspect he got so angry because his very pregnant wife was sitting next to him and needed rest. But instead, these two brats were making so much noise that even the most patient person could lose their nerve.

After more than an hour of continued terror, which didn't seem to end for the time being, many passengers were beside themselves and shouted loudly for the flight attendants to take these boys to their parents. Shortly thereafter, the parents appeared in our class and said that they had an anti-authoritarian upbringing with their children, so that they could develop freely.

Of course, the passengers disagreed with them completely. And even Zhan called out to them, "Anti-authoritarian is all well and good, yet they should have rules and boundaries. Especially on an airplane!"

The American parents, however, didn't care what anyone else said, so they just let the two 7-year-old terrorists continue to play wild sow in the aisle with us.

I had seriously thought about just sticking my foot out when one of them came running through our aisle again. I could already imagine the kid falling on his nose and running back to his parents. But, of course, I didn't do it.

Instead, there was an older man. He reminded me somehow of my grandpa. He had a box of snacks with him. He opened it, took out an egg, took aim and cracked it right into the forehead of one of the kids. Oh yes, he really could be my grandfather.

The brat cried and the other brat yelled until a small tomato hit him in the forehead. "That was just an egg without a shell and a tomato boys. Did you want to stay here and find out if I can hit with apples too?" Asked the old one. The two brats ran crying back to the first class. The man got applause from all of us.

After that we heard nothing like five minutes of crying, then they terrorized all of in the first class. Until something happened and one of the flight attendants asked if there was a doctor present. A man came forward and went with her to first class. When he returned 15 minutes later, he told us one of the boys had tripped. He must have hit his lip and his nose was bleeding too.

The rest of the flight was quiet. When we landed we saw the injured boy being carried by his father. His face was full of blood. I almost felt sorry for him, but only almost.

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