19. Unexpectedly

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19. Unexpectedly

Zhan and I were still in bed, asleep, when early in the morning there was a knock on the door and the doorbell rang. Startled, we quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to see who was at the door. It was the landlord who came to change the broken window.

And quite by the way, sitting next to the door, we saw, like a heap of misery, Emma! She is back again. But this time she's not to blame.

Zhan and I brought her inside the house. She was sobbing and crying when Zhan asked her what happened. She typed something on her phone, handed it to Zhan, and he asked, "Oh my God! Did your account get hacked?"

Emma immediately cried harder and nodded. "Yeah, I was at the airport trying to pay for the plane ticket, but it didn't work. So I checked my account and it showed that all my savings were gone and even my overdraft was overdrawn by $1,000. And my credit card didn't work either because I'm already maxed out."

"Did you call your bank?" Zhan asked immediately.

"Yes. They told me that I supposedly spent all my money at that little fashion store in New York. But I had only bought 1 shirt there. I then had to call the police in the States and then file a report there. My account is blocked for the time being. But what good is that to me? All my money is gone!"

"I'll give you the money for the flight, don't worry. You'll have to go back to the States and sort it out with the police and your local bank."

"Can't you come with me? I don't want to go through this alone."

"Emma, look over there. That's my boyfriend sitting there, I went back to my home country because of him and I want to spend a few days vacation with him. I've been waiting for this for a year and I don't want to leave Yibo here alone now."

"But you are my best friend. And I don't know where my head is at all. There was almost $17,000 in my account! It's all gone. All the money! And soon the rent will be due, credit card bill, cell phone bill, the utilities, electricity, gas and insurance. All the bills and there's nothing left in my account. I have to go everywhere and sort this out and I don't even know where to start. Can't you please just be my best friend and help me? We can take Yibo with us, too, can't we?"

Zhan looked at me thoughtfully for a moment. I didn't say anything the whole time, because even I realize how upsetting and stressful this situation is for Emma. And I also feel very sorry for her. So I let them both talk in peace. And then Zhan winked at me and asked, "Do you feel like taking a trip to the States with me?"

"Uh what?" I asked.

"Well, I'd like to help Emma as her best friend. But I'm definitely not going without you. This was supposed to be our vacation and I'm certainly not leaving you here alone. Besides, I've been waiting a year to be with you. So I'm certainly not going to let you out of my sight now."

"But the flight is super expensive and I don't have the money for it. I'm a student, remember?"

"I'm inviting you Yibo. Please say yes."

I wasn't entirely comfortable with that. Taking Zhan's money and flying to a foreign country was definitely not on my plan. "I don't know Zhan. I could go home and then I'll see you when you get back."

Zhan came over to me, took my hand, and pulled me outside with him onto the porch. He closed the door and snuggled up to me. "I won't fly without you Yibo. No matter what you say. Either you come with me, or I stay here. Without you, nothing works for me anymore. We're finally a couple now and I don't want to spend another day without you. Especially after last night. So please come with me okay?"

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