8. Finally to the beach

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8. Finally to the beach

When I woke up this morning, I was immediately totally excited. And, I had a new message from Zhan. He wrote, "We're leaving this afternoon, and are you excited?" Of course, I immediately texted back that I couldn't wait.

I ran to the bathroom, showered, got dressed, ran downstairs and ate breakfast with my mom, and then dashed to the bus stop. I had massive amounts of time, but I just couldn't help but run. As if that could make the afternoon come faster.

Today, I wasn't even bothered by the overcrowded bus. Well, this time there were no passengers who smelled strange, scratched pimples or drooled all over my shirt. But next to me sat a teenager who was exchanging voice messages with his girlfriend. He didn't even mind that I could hear everything.

I was amazed at how far many at that age already are. He may have only been 15 or 16, but he was talking about things like getting condoms and the anti baby pill. When I look at myself, I'm 20 years old, I'm going to college and I haven't even had my first kiss yet, then, yeah, I feel a little weird.

But at the same time I think to myself, I'm saving all this for a special person. Someone I really love from the bottom of my heart and who I'm sure this is really serious. So for my Zhan.

After our visit to the cinema, I thought a lot about Zhan and me and it became much clearer to me how important this week is. I really have to try everything in my power. Whereas in the cinema I had the feeling that Zhan was coming towards me. When he put his hand under mine and then let me hold his hand and he even intertwined our fingers together, I felt that Zhan might like me in some way. At least, I hope I wasn't just imagining it.

Suri wrote me that she was excited about her interview for the internship, but even more excited about our vacation. And she wrote me that I better not act like a fanboy of Zhan this week, but like a serious interested young man with a goal in mind.

I admit, it is not easy for me not to behave like a fanboy, because I have no experience with all these things. Add to that my excitement and the fact that I just love Zhan so much that I'm afraid of saying or doing anything wrong and scaring him off.

Yes, I want to please Zhan, But I don't know what he likes yet. And because of my lack of experience, my nervousness and my feelings for him, I act like a fanboy who can finally meet his idol.

Everyone tells me to just be myself. But every time I look at Zhan, I seem to have forgotten what I'm actually to be like. I hope that will change in the coming days. I want him to meet the real Wang Yibo. The 20 year old man who can sing, dance and ride a motorcycle. I want him to meet the man, not the young guy.

In the university the time seemed to not want to pass. Our professor talked and talked and the clock suddenly seemed to run much slower. Sometimes I really wanted to shout to him to stop annoying us with his boring theory about old paintings and finally send us to summer break.

During the lunch break, I watched Seungyoun. He seems to have more than an interest in Wooseok. Today Youn had already bought him breakfast and during the lunch break the two of them sat together at a table and talked animatedly. Youn had deliberately touched him on the hand or arm several times. I could even see Wooseok blushing over and over again. They look cute together.

I would be happy if they become something. But for Suri it would be a pity. After all, she is madly in love with Youn. It will surely hit her hard if they really become a couple. But you can't do anything against feelings, she will have to accept that.

But maybe she'll get over it easier than I think. After all, she is the biggest BL fan I know and when she sees them together, her BL fan heart will probably beat much faster. Maybe she can write a BL story about the two of them.

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