🔞18. First time 🔞

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🔞🔞🔞A/N: This chapter is +18 years🔞🔞🔞. If you don't want to read smut, please wait for the next chapter, you won't miss anything here, I promise! / This chapter is a tiny bit shorter than the others. But I think that's not so bad. I did my best with the smut and hope it's okay, the way I wrote it.

After we got back to the beach house, we stowed our groceries and already put our pharmacy-bought items away for the evening, including a couple of scented candles. Then we went to the beach to swim in the ocean for a bit until it was time for dinner.

Today we had a mild hotpot and we were so tired and full afterwards, we decided to go upstairs to our room and rest for an hour or two. We fell asleep incredibly quickly.

One or two hours, turned into more like three or four hours, because the sun had already set when I woke up. I lit two of the candles so that Zhan wouldn't be blinded by the bright light from the bedside lamp and watched Zhan as he slept peacefully.

I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, Zhan smiled and turned his head to the other side. Looked like someone didn't want to wake up and keep sleeping. And I really wanted him to keep sleeping too, but his Jawline captivated me. I kissed his jawline down to his neck and Zhan moaned softly in his sleep.

Grinning, I kissed his collar and continued lower to his chest, kissing it and licking over his nipple. Zhan moaned out again. As I sucked and licked his nipple, Zhan arched his body towards me, moaning and licking his own lips.

And now that I had started once, I could not and would not stop. I wanted to hear Zhan moan and awaken his lust. So I continued to kiss my way down, stroking his thigh and inner thighs. It didn't take long for his dick to get hard and a noticeable bulge to appear in his shorts, the sight of which pleased me greatly.

I slid lower and lower and began kissing his legs from his knees up as I stroked his belly and over his hips. Zhan moaned loudly and the closer I kissed in the direction of his hard dick, the louder he got.

I carefully took off his pants and kissed his inner thighs. As I did so, I saw Zhan holding onto the bed sheet, pressing his head into the pillow with a moan and stretching his lower body towards me.

Slowly I let my hand slide to Zhan's dick and took it in my hand before licking over his balls and the entire length of his dick. "Mmm that feels good." Moaned Zhan as I slid my mouth over his dick and began to suck it. And the longer I did this, the more uncontrollably Zhan breathed.

Zhan spun around and I looked at the white peach cheeks I saw in front of me, grinning. I kissed his butt cheeks, nibbling on them and Zhan made it even hornier. I pushed his butt cheeks apart a little and licked over his pink rosebud, which almost made Zhan grunt. "Ng, yes so good." He moaned as I slid my tongue into his rosebud.

After two or three minutes, Zhan lay back down on his back. I lay down next to him, we kissed and caressed each other. Rubbed our naked bodies on each other until Zhan gave me the lube. "We really want to do it? You're sure about this?" I asked him.

"Oh hell yeah, I definitely want to do it Yibo." Replied Zhan before sliding his tongue into my mouth. I took the lube, opened it and put some on my fingers.

Zhan and I kissed us deeply as I put my hand to his butt and gave some of the lube to his pink rosebud. Carefully, I then slid the first finger inside him. Then I slid back down, sucking Zhan's dick again as I slowly slid the second finger inside him.

I licked Zhan's pre cum away and sucked on his dick again. Zhan was so full of ecstasy that he was breathing heavily and his moans were completely messy. I loved hearing that.

Slowly I let the third finger slide into him and could hardly wait until I was allowed to penetrate him. I fingered his rosebud, sucked his dick and waited for Zhan's okay for the next step.

And luckily this step was not far away. Zhan handed me a condom, I pulled it over my dick and took some more lube, which I spread on the condom.

I lay down between Zhan's legs, he lifted them and put them around my waist. He bit his lower lip and nodded. "I'm ready. Let's do it. I want to feel you inside me." He whispered.

Zhan watched closely as I slowly slid my dick inside him. Bit by bit, and further and further, I penetrated him. "It' s all the way in." I whispered.

I lay down on top of Zhan, we kissed and waited until the pushing in his ass stopped. Then Zhan told me to move now. I started with very slow movements. Back and forth until Zhan said, "It's starting to feel good. Keep going Yibo." So I went a little faster.

"Ng, yes. Oh yes." Moaned Zhan when I finally found his special spot. From then on, we both enjoyed it greatly. I could hardly get enough of his lustful look. Shortly after, Zhan came for the first time.

"Let me ride you Yibo." Said Zhan after a few minutes. I lay on the bed and Zhan sat on top of me. He supported himself on my hands as he began to move up and down until he grabbed onto my legs and I could stroke his perfect body with my hands.

I sat up so that Zhan was sitting on my lap and held Zhan by his waist, he put his arms around me and I moved him up and down fast. "I'm coming Yibo." Whispered Zhan. I told him to wait for me. I quickly lifted him up and down on top of me and somehow managed to come together with him.

While I held him in my arms, we both fell back on the bed exhausted. We were breathing fast and heavy. "I love you Zhan."

"And I love you Yibo. I love you so much." He replied.

"I hope I didn't hurt you."

"No, it was the perfect first time." I was happy to hear that and kissed Zhan.

"Then I'm reassured."

"How do you know so well how to do that? Not just through the Internet, right?"

"Mhhh, I have a master regarding that as my best friend. She has every book and BL video that exists. And of course there's our fan fiction. So, watching all those books and videos and reading what your sister wrote about us and our sex did a little good. Haha."

"Oh yeah, I should thank her. Because it made it a really perfect first time for both of us." Replied Zhan, chuckling.

We lay there like that for quite a while, cuddling together, kissing and caressing. Until suddenly Zhan started to play with his hand on my dick until it was hard again. Zhan grinned and slipped a new condom on my dick, smeared some lube on it and sat on me to ride me.

He moved up and down with enjoyment, bending down to kiss me now and then and to stroke my chest and abs, and then continued to ride me before lying down on the bed and asking me to take him from behind. I never thought Zhan would want a second round.

I lay down on Zhan's back and he stuck his ass out at me. My dick found its way automatically and entered him all by itself. Zhan grinned and moaned, "He knows what he wants. Just like my ass."

"Oh yeah." I replied and took Zhan from behind. I moved up and down quickly, reaching around Zhan to his dick, which I masturbated for him as I thrust my dick quickly into him again and again until we both came together.

Zhan spun around, I took him in my arms, kissed him, and then Zhan fell asleep. Completely satisfied from now to then, he fell asleep in my arms.

I carefully crawled out of bed and fetched a bowl of warm water to clean him up, then lay back in bed with him, threw a thin blanket over our naked bodies, pulled him into my arms and fell asleep with my heart pounding wildly and overjoyed.

A/N: Well, I did my best. I somehow had a few concentration problems, because I heard my son talking on the phone with his girlfriend from the Philippines the whole time.  🤦‍♀️

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