Chapter 3 - Nice car ride

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Chapter 3 - Nice car ride

I had about 5 seconds to think how to react. Should I express my joy at being in a car with Zhan, and alone with him at that, by throwing both arms in the air and running to Zhan's car, cheering loudly "yay". Or do I pretend to be totally cool?

Suri took the decision away from me by nudging me toward Zhan and saying, "Come on, you can't pass up an offer like that. Or do you want to take the bus again?" Um, that was a little off, but OK.

I walked silently beside Zhan, looking at him out of the corner of my eye. How could it be that he just got more and more beautiful? He already looked like an angel back then. But now, ah I'm already at a loss for words. All I know is, my heart is racing and my stomach is tingling like never before.

Zhan opened the car, put my backpack in the trunk and then told me to sit in the car. I sat right next to him and was close enough to him to notice his scent of sandalwood. I buckled my seat belt and just couldn't stop staring at him. No matter how many times I yelled at myself in my mind to stop, I couldn't. How could anyone not want to look at a man like him either?

He started the engine and drove off. I told him my address and he claimed to know where it was. Well, if he knew, he wouldn't have made a wrong turn, would he? However, I said nothing. Because every wrong turn he took was more time for me to be alone with him.

Then after a few minutes, Zhan broke the silence in the car and said, "Suri said you study photography too?"

"Yes, I am." I said.

"And what exactly do you want to do later? Nature photography? Or what do you have in mind?"

"I want to be a photographer for models."

"Oh really? Mhhh, maybe we'll work together soon then. You behind the camera and me in front of it." Yes, that's exactly my plan. That's the only reason I'm doing this study. Because my Zhan, my future boyfriend, is a model and also a photographer himself.

I tried to look calm and replied, "Mhm, that would be possible."

Until we had to stop at a red light, silence fell again. That was, until Zhan turned to me, grabbed my head with both hands, spun it around, touched my eyebrows with his fingers and said, "Fascinating, they're different. One is round, the other is straight."

And I in my mind just, oh my god he's touching me, oh my god his delicate hands are in my face. I answered, "Mmm, I know."

Then when my eyes fell on the clock, and I remembered that I have to be at the university at noon to listen to a three-hour boring lecture by the most annoying professor, I was sorry to tell Zhan that he is not going in the right direction.

I gave him the right direction and just 15 minutes later we were at my house. And I already thought that was it, he will drive again now and I have to wait another 6 days to see him again. But instead he asked me if he could use our toilet for a short moment. "Yeah, sure. No problem." I said.

It wasn't until I got to the front door that I remembered my mom was home. I could only hope she wouldn't say or do anything weird. I opened the door, we entered the house and my mom came around the corner from the kitchen and asked me if I went all the way to Shanghai to shop because it took so long.

Then she saw Zhan, smiled, I said, "Mom, this is Zhan. Zhan, this is mom."

Then Zhan said." Hi mom."

And my mom, "Hi son."

And I was standing there just thinking, what the hell? I showed Zhan where the bathroom was and as soon as he was in there, my mom grabbed me and shook me like crazy and kept whispering, "He's so cute. So adorable. An absolute dream." The next moment, however, she grumbled when she saw that I just stuffed my dad's suits into the backpack.

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