24. My Bunny

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Yesterday I went to an early class reunion, with my classmates from high school. One of our old teachers recently died in an accident and since he was very popular, we all met earlier than planned to pay tribute to the deceased.

Honestly, I had no desire to go there. Even though I could understand that, because I also liked this teacher, who always had an open ear for all his students and helped everyone who asked him for help.

I wanted Zhan to accompany me, but he had to visit my parents again, because there were still a few things to discuss for our wedding. Since Zhan and I want to get married officially and not just have a ceremony that is not officially considered a marriage, we are getting married in Italy. Which is also a reason why we are not getting married on our second anniversary, but on our third anniversary.

When we contacted Italy and wanted a date for our wedding, we assumed it would take maybe 6 months. But instead it took a year and a half. But now it's almost time and I can't wait.

And because I think it's proper, I proposed to Zhan myself three months ago because I think a wedding arranged by my grandparents, is no substitute for a proposal.

I had always been putting money aside for a while. I bought us rings out of it and the rest went towards the proposal. Zhan and I went to the cinema, a movie he really wanted to see came on there. He wondered why there was no one in the auditorium except him and me. Well, I had bought all the other tickets.

When the lights went out and the first commercials appeared on the screen, I told Zhan I had to go to the bathroom for a minute. The commercials usually go on for 20 minutes. So I had plenty of time. But, I didn't really have to go to the bathroom, but was secretly brought down behind the screen by an employee.

And then finally came what I was waiting for. A video of me, which we recorded before in the cinema. In this video first several pictures of Zhan and me ran over the screen and then I was to be seen, how around me, all these pictures fly. Of course, this was edited, it's obvious.

I looked straight into the camera and smiled. "ZhanZhan my Bunny, I think you can guess now why we are alone in the cinema can't you? We've been a happy couple for 2 years and 7 months now and I can't imagine that will ever change because we love each other way too much for that. Every day with you is an adventure where I never know what comes next. You surprise me every time with your cute crazy ways and I love that. It's amazing isn't it? I mean, I waited 6 years for you and then suddenly you were there and everything went so much different than I could have ever dreamed. Because, it became even much better than expected. A life without you, I can not imagine. You have always been in my heart and always will be. And I am looking forward to our wedding. And because a proper proposal was still missing, and it's part of it, I chose this way today to ask you, Xiao Zhan, love of my life, will you marry me?"

I didn't even have to stand behind the screen to hear Zhan's answer. He yelled so loudly that it could probably be heard throughout the entire cinema. "Yibo you crazy one, of course I want to marry you." Was his reply.

Then I came out from behind the screen and besides the rings, I also had Zhan's favorite chocolate cake with me. Of course, he was interested in the cake first before looking at the rings. But that's just the way he is. Well, anyway, we put the rings on each other and the staff of the cinema clapped.

Well, so yesterday was the reunion at a fancy restaurant. Seungyoun and I went there together, he took Wooseok with him, I was unfortunately alone.

We sat down at one of the three tables and slowly the others arrived. Mhhh, our table was quickly filled by the women. Among behind us as well. A couple of them are married and were chatting about their marriages. One was annoyed with her husband, another was fighting with her husband every day, and another was telling us she was pregnant for the second time.

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