Chapter 6 - The wrong movie

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Chapter 6 - The wrong movie

When it was finally 07:30 pm, Suri and I were almost running down the stairs. She changed at my house, since she has a change of clothes at my place for emergencies. Anyone who didn't know us would probably think we were a couple. The friendship that was supposed to be a way to achieve my goal has become very close and I am really happy about it.

I opened the front door where Zhan was about to ring the bell. We both looked deeply into each other's eyes for a moment, my heart immediately went into overdrive and I somehow had the feeling that he was looking directly into my soul with his gaze. My knees became very soft.

Emma yelled from the car, "I see someone else is overdressed for the cinema." And there that moment was over. Zhan rolled his eyes. And asked if we were ready then? I nodded and Suri sneaked past me and jumped in the car.

Zhan and I walked side by side, comfortably, to the car. He said quietly to me, "Just ignore Emma. You look really handsome in those clothes."

"Mmm, so do you." I replied. Like me, he was wearing black tight jeans and a very classy beige silk shirt with turquoise ornaments. He also had a necklace around and wore a ring on the index finger of his right hand, which I had seen before in a picture of him modeling for a jewelry manufacturer.

Arriving in the car, I was of course sitting in the passenger seat again, Suri said grinning broadly, "You two look fucking hot tonight. You could even go to the hottest club in town like that."

"Better buckle up, or we're going nowhere tonight." Replied Zhan, giving me a sweet smile. Ahhh I will surely dream about this tonight.

My parents were suddenly standing in the front door waving at us with tissues in their hands. Oh that embarrassment, especially when my dad rubbed his eyes with one of the tissues.

However, before we could go out to eat and then to the cinema, we had to go back to Suri and Zhan's house, Emma forgot her cell phone and just refuses to go without it for an evening.

When we arrived at the house, we all got out because Suri wanted to put on other shoes after all, and Zhan had to go to the bathroom again.

We went into the house and Suri's parents came to us. They saw me and both hugged me in greeting. Suri's mother held me tightly in her arms, stroked my back and said, "Oh my handsome BoBo it's so good to see you." She admired my hair and outfit and winked at me. "I'm sure Zhan noticed that you look really hot today."

Yes, Suri's parents also know about my feelings for Zhan. And they both said when they found out, "Well as long as it's Yibo, we don't have a problem with our son falling for a guy. In fact, the two of them would match each other very well. And with Yibo, we don't have to worry about our Zhan falling for someone crazy."

Suri's father patted me on the shoulder and said, "BoBo, you really could come over more often. You know our door is always open for you." Then when Zhan came back from the bathroom, Mom Xiao almost pushed me towards him and asked Zhan if he didn't think I looked especially hot tonight.

Zhan actually got red in the face and then nodded slightly. I admit, it wasn't just him who was embarrassed. It's already more than obvious that everyone wants to set us up with each other. But still, it doesn't look to me like Zhan would be against it. At any rate, he doesn't reject it clearly.

When it went on after beaten 20 minutes, Emma phoned first still in peace, our remaining time was only enough for a hamburger and French fries in the fast food restaurant, before it went on to the cinema.

In the cinema, there were exactly three films in the evening show. A comedy, a drama and a horror movie. I immediately said that I didn't want to watch a horror movie, because I can't stand them and I'm much too scared for them. A drama none of us wanted to watch, so the only thing left was the comedy.

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