9. Not now Emma

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I open my eyes very slowly and then quickly and stare in shock. The first thing I saw was the lens of the camera Zhan was holding in my face to take a picture of my eyebrows. Um, what the heck? He grinned and pointed at my hair, then he said, "You have a little hair problem up there."

Quickly, I grabbed my phone, took advantage of the reflection, and grumbled. My head looked like I'd run through a storm at a minimum of 180 hours per mile. And that couldn't be fixed by trying to flatten everything out.

And it didn't get any better when then Zhan tapped my standing out hair and laughed. "That looks so funny." He said and immediately took a few more pictures. Pretty great, I'm sure he' going to remember me with that.

After Zhan finally took the camera out of my face and recovered from his laughing fit, he let me get up and go to the bathroom. I took a shower and then changed my clothes. I sat down at the table in the living room and stared darkly at Zhan as he immediately started laughing again, because he was looking at the pictures again. Suri then slapped him on the back of the head, which led to a chase.

And then someone should say that I am childish!

Since we had no supplies here, it was called shopping. In the whole town we found only one small supermarket, where everyone stared at us, as if we were extraterrestrials and just landed here. But it could also have been Emma, who wore a skirt no larger than a handkerchief that covered only the most necessary.

The woman at the register who looked like she had just returned from a fishing boat then asked, "You're not from around here are you?"

"How did you guess?" I asked her.

She laughed and said, "Around here, no one dresses as fancy as you do."

"Oh that doesn't matter. We still feel comfortable here. I mean it's unusual to work in a supermarket and look like you just came back from fishing. But I guess that's the standard here and you don't know any different." Said Emma.

We all turned to her and looked at her in horror. She just shrugged her shoulders and pretended to be a princess. "So Zhan, at some point you're going to have to explain to me why she's your best friend. I kind of don't get it." I said and left the supermarket as fast as I could. Man that was so embarrassing. And the way everyone was looking at us. Creepy! I guess we better barricade and lock the doors tonight!

Since we were all hungry, we decided to go to this little cafe and order breakfast. People kept staring at us and I was already getting goosebumps from their stares.

At the café, we sat down at a table and heard a few other guests complaining. "Aren't those the assholes who made fun of Luna at the supermarket?" Asked one.

The other nodded and replied, "They should be banned from coming in here. They should really be ashamed to judge a hard working woman because of her clothes."

I muttered in response, "I didn't say or do anything. I'm innocent." The two women looked at me challengingly and I quickly looked away. How could they even know about what was in the supermarket when they were sitting here in the café? Creepy, I can only say it over and over again.

The more they stared at us, the more my own imagination went crazy with me. In my imagination, we come out of the cafe and an angry mop of villagers is waiting for us with pitchforks and torches. They chase us through the village and then, just before we can escape, will grab us and chop us up.

"Earth to Yibo. Attention please." Shouted Zhan in my ear. Another inch and he would have kissed my ear. I wouldn't have minded.

"What happened?" I finally asked, after suppressing the thought of a kiss from Zhan, on my ear.

How to make him fall for me? [YiZhan FF - RomCom]✔️Where stories live. Discover now