Chapter 5 - Unforgettable

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Chapter 5 - Unforgettable

I had put my brother in explaining trouble and saved my own butt with it, while at the same time, I got my revenge on him. Why does he always interfere in everything? If he hadn't started with the fan fiction, I wouldn't have said anything about Cheng, it's that simple!

Suri came over to me, sat on my knees, which she has done many times before, when there was no free space, and whispered in my ear, "Nice save BoBo" Then we both grinned and waited to hear what my brother had to say.

But, before it was time, Zhan cleared his throat fake and looked at Suri and me very grimly. Suri asked him what his problem was and Zhan said, "Really? Do you really have to sit on Yibo's lap?"

Suri and I looked at each other questioningly and she replied, "Why? There's no other seat available. You're sitting in Daddy Xiao's chair, Emma in the other chair, Yibo, his parents, and his brother on the sofa. As you can see for yourself. And there's no other place left."

"But do you have to sit on Yibo's lap because of that?" Asked Zhan perhaps a little more sharply than he intended.

Suri, being the kind of person she is, asked him, "If it bothers you, you can sit on Yibo's lap too." I lightly poked her in the back with my hand and she laughed.

My father, however, took this in his stride and arranged a new seating arrangement. He said, "Then we'll do it like this. I'll sit in my chair, Suri will sit next to Yibo, and Zhan will sit on Yibo's lap." I almost choked myself when he said that.

I was still like, he never does that anyway, that would be too far-fetched. But then Zhan stood up and said, "Okay, let's switch seats." He almost pushed Suri off my lap and sat on my lap himself and I held my breath. Inwardly I said to myself, this can only be a dream, I'm in bed, asleep and dreaming.

Suddenly I didn't know where to put my hands, I felt hot and my heart was hammering so loudly in my chest that I was afraid Zhan might hear it. He was merely 5 centimeters away from my chest.

With all the excitement, I almost missed what my brother has to confess about himself and Cheng. With my heart soon jumping out of my chest and a billion butterflies in my stomach, I listened to my brother. Sort of halfway. The other time I was thinking about getting my hands back out from under my legs and maybe wrapping them around Zhan, because he was sitting so wobbly on my lap.

My brother said, "Well, so, um, it's like, I don't know how to explain this, but, um, well, Cheng and I, we so, we met half a year ago. We immediately liked each other and well, we, we've been dating for four months."

Suddenly my father stood up and I thought, by his angry look, that my brother will get in trouble now. But instead, he took out his wallet, took out 100 yuan and gave it to my mother, saying, "All right, you win." My mother laughed and immediately put the money in her pocket.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as I looked past Zhan and completely unnoticed, put my arms around his body. I didn't catch it, no kidding. It just happened.

My mother said, "Your father and I had a hunch that our dear Hai Kuan didn't like girls. But your father was convinced that maybe it was just an appearance. I, however, was firmly convinced that Hai Kuan likes men. We made a bet and I won." They're crazy, both of them!

Then suddenly I felt hands on my hands and realized where my hands were. On the flat belly of Zhan! And, he didn't even fight me off, but calmly put his hands on my hands. I could have cheered now and taken it as a sign.

But the thing is, through Suri, I know that he has no problem with such things.Because even in the past, he and his friends were supposed to have sat like this more often. Suri said Zhan is someone who likes physical contact and always hugs his friends too. So the exact opposite of me.

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