20. Just weirdos

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20. Just weirdos

After a flight that seemed endless, we finally landed in the States and then took a cab to a hotel. Emma went on home, Zhan and I went and booked ourselves a room. Unfortunately, though, we didn't get to rest or at least make a little bit love.

Our time was only enough to take a shower and get dressed. Then we had to go downstairs again, because Emma was already waiting for us in the hotel lobby. We first went to the power company, there she paid the next month's budget with her last cash. Then I thought we were going to the gas provider. But no, it went to a photo shoot, where Emma asked the manager if he could pay her the money for her last shoot immediately and in cash.

So while she was talking to the manager like that, Zhan showed me around a bit, since he had often worked here as a model as well. And then out of a room that only said "makeup" came a guy who really made me speechless at first.

A little guy with dyed blond hair, a big belly and a sleeveless top made of black reader and matching pants came running towards us: "Hihi haha, who do we have here? If it isn't my beautiful Chinese model Sean Xiao." He hopped up and down and his belly bounced.

"Hi Greg." Said Zhan and explained to him that I'm his boyfriend. Haha, luckily I understand English very well. Because this Greg was immediately babbling away.

"Oh my god, he's so handsome. Where did you find him?" Every last word of a sentence he drew out longer than his nose was. He shifted his voice and sounded almost feminine. And he kept pawing at his glittering earrings with one finger. God that looked so silly.

"And my pretty one, what's your name? What do you do? Are you a model too?" He asked me.

I had to pull myself together not to laugh and replied, "I'm Yibo, a student, not a model."

"Oh no, what a waste. A man as handsome as you can't be kept from the world, can you?" And then he saw some other young guys and shouted, "Girls come over here. Look at him. Doesn't he really look particularly handsome? Imagine girls, this is our Sean Xiao's boyfriend."

The "girls" all skinny young guys and dressed similarly to the weird meatball, giggled and held their hands in front of their mouths. "Oh madness, he looks so great." Said one of them. Or should I say an? God they had me so confused.

One of these man/woman something boys patted my hand and said, "If you ever get tired of Sean, give me a call." And then he/she put a piece of paper with the cell phone number in my pocket.

I looked at Zhan and said, which the others couldn't understand haha: "So you call that possessive what? I don't see anything about that. Yours, these, I don't know what they are, are touching me here and you're standing there grinning."

"Yibo, they're not going to hurt you. They just want to play."

"Playing? They want me to play with their ass."

"Yeah, but the only ass you' re allowed to play with is mine."

"Oh ZhanZhan, now that I have so many choices, I don't know if I should just play with you. You can see they all want me. Maybe I should start with the belly ball and see what's going on under his leather gear."

Zhan smacked my arm, "That's not funny."

"Yes, I think it is. Are there any more of these he/she or whatever they are around here?"

"No." Replied Zhan petulantly.

"That's too bad. Because I was just thinking I could start collecting cell phone numbers."

Zhan was about to say something when a Chinese man approached. Blond shoulder-length hair with red streaks. Upper body well trained. How do I know? He was half naked! He greeted Zhan with a kiss on the left and a kiss on the right, keeping at least 5 centimeters from his cheek so as not to ruin his makeup.

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