16. And what's next?

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It's almost evening and the birthday party can start. We have prepared everything in the last few hours. Decorated the house a little and prepared various snacks. Outside it was raining all the time. Dark clouds that brought rain, storm and even thunderstorm passed over us again and again.

And somehow, well, I felt like this weather. Tired and unstable. The same question kept running through my mind when I thought about Zhan and me. And what's next?

Suri, who can also sense when I am thoughtful, took me to her room and asked me, "What's wrong with you, Yibo? You should be so happy right now. Why do you look like you feel like crying?"

"I don't know. Somehow I'm exhausted. I don't know. You know? All these years, all we've ever thought about is how to make Zhan fall in love with me. We've thought of so many ways, made plans. Especially about this week now. Oh God how much we talked about it and how much we searched for plans. And then everything came completely different. From now on, boom, just like that. Zhan had long been in love with me and everything we thought about and thought up was pointless. And all of a sudden I ask myself all the time, and now? What is coming now? We have only ever talked about how I can make him fall in love with me. And now that he is, and it's not my doing, how is it going to go on?"

"Oh God Yibo. Even though it wasn't you personally who made him fall in love with you, he is in love with you. He saw YOU and fell in love with you. And what comes next? Now you can finally do what you've always dreamed of. Be with him! Now you can be happy. You can love your dream man and be loved by him. That was your goal after all. Now you can finally do everything you've always dreamed of."

However, when the tears started to come, I realized one thing. I was completely overwhelmed by my own feelings. All this time, I kept telling myself to keep my hopes low, not to get too attached to the fact that it would really work out and Zhan would fall in love with me. And then it happened the way I always wanted it to. And my own feelings, completely threw me off track.

All the tension escaped from my body. All the fear that it wouldn't work out was gone, leaving me with a feeling that was absolutely overwhelming.

The tears dried, Suri and I hugged each other and then called my parents. My mom answered the phone and I was like, "Mom, guess who hasn't been single since last night?"

My mom responded, "No, right? Really? You two are really a couple? Oh my God, Yibo, I'm so happy for you." I heard her sobbing sound and she was really happy for me.

My dad picked up the phone and asked, "What took you so long? With a young man as handsome as you, he should have been around your neck that same night." We both laughed.

I told them how the evening was and what Zhan told me and my parents were totally touched. Especially because Zhan was already in love with me and had to keep it to himself because he wanted to go back to Beijing first so he and I could be together.

"I knew all along that my son had found the person meant for him and that's why he wasn't capable of falling in love with anyone else. Well done boy." Said my father proudly.

My father always proudly tells that at that time he saw my mother, immediately fell in love with her and knew that she was the one, the only one for him. He also never loved any other woman than my mother. And still today they are in love with each other. And I hope the same for Zhan and me. That many years from now, we too will be able to say that we are in love with each other.

After our phone call with my mother, Suri and I went back to the other two. Emma was standing outside talking on the phone and Zhan said, "I just called my parents and told them about us, I hope it's ok with you."

How to make him fall for me? [YiZhan FF - RomCom]✔️Where stories live. Discover now