Chapter 27

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Dark energy started to gather around her left arm, her skin grey and dead white-veined eyes glared at them. 

"Left-arm! It is the left arm!"

Guan-yin went first, two fingers lifted as a golden tag appeared between them. She quickly tossed it towards Mrs Mo, successfully landing on her chest. In a burst of blue light, a very faint white-light blue aura covered her body, and she was unable to move.

She slowed down as the two boys sped up, quickly grabbing a hand each and pulling it as far back as it was possible while immobilizing them.

She came to a halt in front of the now possessed Mrs Mo and then looked at her. They gave a nod, and she summoned the cleansing tag between her fingers.

"Get out of here!" She hissed at Xuanyu who was trying to tease the woman with a leaf, only for her to growl back.

"She is scary! Help me!" he shouted, running around before stopping and covering his head.

The three disciples left out a sigh at his childish nature and re-focused at the task in hand. Shizui also summoned a tag and the duo was quick to place it on the body only for her to fight back. The left-arm managed to free itself and went to attack Shizui while the left weakly tried to attack Guan-yin.

She was fast to pull her body back, missing the arm by inches while Shizui tried to do the same. The two both had let go of her and he was trying to avoid the deadly arm.

"Shizui!" Jingyi shouted, not knowing what to do.

Guan-yin was about to do something when Xuanyu kicked the scared male disciple towards his friend. His body ended up being a shield and when the demonic arm touched it, blue flames covered it.

The golden talisman for protection, forever inside their Lan robes glowed to life and formed a small circle, affecting the possessed woman and causing her pain.

"You lunatic! Why did you kick me?!" he shouted, now having gotten rid of his clothing which was burning by blue flames.

"It was not me".

"Forget him," Guan-yin said, quickly joining the two disciples.

"The spell on the clothes work" Shizui added and she gave a nod.

"Let's end this. Scatter"

The three disciples quickly followed the order and having the same plan in mind. Jingyi headed straight for the possessed Mr Mo while his fellow disciples were running on the roofs.

Guan-yin looked at Shizui and then they both jumped. With perfect accuracy and in full synchronization they span on the air before tossing their outer robes on the air. A simple sign and the spell on them became active.

A huge golden circle appeared above Mrs Mo and bright blue energy quickly descended upon her, holding her captive and still.

"Formation!" the only female disciple shouted as they all started to run in circles around her. With their swords drawn, they passed their fingers above them and blue-white spiritual energy coated them. "Now!"

Having an equal distance between them in the formation of a triangle, they slammed their swords on the ground and activated their team-work spell. A blue circle appeared on the floor, surrounding the golden one as Mrs Mo was now engulfed by bright blue cleansing flames.

The angry spirit fought back; dark energy being released by force in waves. The three disciples suddenly found it hard to hold their sword and had to use both their hands to keep it stable as the dark energy tried to make them lose their grip and break the spell.

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