Chapter 6

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My week with the Jiang Family came and left faster than I wanted it. I was kind of sad to leave them because that one week was the best I had. I was relaxed, no rules to follow and curfews to make my sleep program.

No hard gaze from the older Lan or Xichen making me blush all the time. Instead of studying scrolls, I chased pheasant and instead of being locked in the library; I walked the pier and ate Lotus seeds.

However, now I was back to the strict everyday life of a Lan disciple. Yet, I was welcomed quite nicely by having a nice cup of tea with Xichen. It was known by now to everyone and I mean everyone that the First Jade of Gusu had favoured me suspiciously too much. I was thankful I was still passing as a boy because oh dear, the gossip. That's all I have and will say, the rest you can figure it out.

"I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to visit the Lotus Piet, Zewu Jun," I said as I sipped my tea.

I wouldn't bow that much any longer, but I would still call him by his title. I think he gave up on that and accepted the situation. He better because I am not backing down.

"I am pleased to hear that Tengchao. Uncle and I received a letter as well from Clan Leader Jiang, praising you for your manners. You gave a very good impression"

I blushed and sipped more tea, not knowing how to reply to that. I was certain that the clan leader was exaggerating. Madame Yu didn't seem to like me but didn't seem to hate me either. I presume due to how clingy Wuxian was with me played a role, but I had her husband and her two children backing me up so...

In your face you demonic faced woman.

"I am pleased that the Grand Master is also pleased"

He smiled at me as we sat across from each other under the same cherry tree I 'spied' on him almost a year ago, along with the boys of course. "I believe you have heard about the archery competition held by the Wen clan" he sipped his tea as I lowered down mine. I gave a nod, not sure why he was bringing it up. "There is a space for another disciple. I would like you to participate"

I wanted to facepalm. How did I know that this would come? Simply, because whenever he brought up some event or position or whatever; it always involved me, and it involved me literally.

I let my cup down and decided to address the subject. I had to know, what was he planning? What were his intentions? What did he want from me?

"Zewu Jun" I started, my voice stable and lacking any emotion, yet he kept his smile. "Forgive me for my bluntness but I have to ask. Since the first day at the lake, you have been offering me opportunities. You show some...forgive me for saying but favouritism when it comes to me. I would like to ask why? What exactly do you happen to see?"

He chuckled slightly and placed his cup down. To be honest, I freaked out a little. What could be so funny or amusing to mu question? Did I just embarrass myself like the biggest idiot?

"Tengchao" he started, his smile on his tempting lips. "I understand your questions and there is no need to apologize for them. I give you those chances because I see raw talent and potential. I know that you can be so much more and be a great cultivator. I would feel ashamed if I didn't offer you chances that you most likely would have, have you been found by us much earlier"

I stared; my lips parted slightly as I took in every word. This is not what I expected to hear and now that he did, I felt embarrassed. His answer was so obvious, as maybe the matters are, and I am the only pioneer mountain idiot who could not see it.

I stood up and bowed at him properly, not knowing how else to express myself. He believed in me, he saw something, and he wanted to help me achieve it. I swear I almost cried at the thought since only my teacher had been like that to me.

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