Chapter 16

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And so, Xichen's big plan was put into action. Apparently, many of the clans that were once enslaved and forced to submission by the Wen wanted freedom. Our task was to go and help them, get rid of the officials left to torture them and show them that they were not alone.

Wangji would mostly do that, and I would help. Xichen would only join us until a certain point.

The last night we would spend together. We had built a small fire to the camp. Wangji had fallen asleep after a tiring day of fighting. He still followed the schedule of the Lan Clan, meaning he would sleep when the sun would set.

I had stayed up, keeping the first few watches since I couldn't sleep. Too many things were in my mind, one being awake and sitting almost 90 degrees away from me.

My purple-black eyes stayed glued on the amber flames, their movement bringing back the attack on Cloud Recess. The flames that devoured my home and the loss of Xichen...the broken leg of Wangji and the face of Wen Chao mocking us...

I couldn't take it. I stood up and walked away in an attempt to ease the war in my mind. That horrific night had scarred me mentally, coming on my calmest days when something would trigger it.

It was the first time I felt fear, and I realized the pain of losing what you knew and loved...the pain...of thinking...that someone close to you was long gone.

I left out a heavy sigh and looked up at the dark sky, wishing I could be back in the Celestial Mountain. My dream of Xingchen made me feel nostalgic and wonder how he was and if he was alright up there.

"We made a promise. We would always be together, right?"

I found myself closing my eyes, trying to hold a grip on my emotions. I have broken his promise for a world that would now turn against me, for a world cursed with death and violence.

"Tengchao?" Xichen's voice broke me from my trance and made me open my eyes.

My shoulders dropped slightly as I felt tired, mentally tired. "Yes, Master Lan Xichen?" I answered, being formal.

Since whatever we once had was gone, I wouldn't try to bring it back. My actions brought back consequences, and I would suffer through them with my head high. I was never one to grovel and beg; I wouldn't start now.

I was sure my words must have hurt him, but whatever pride I tried to keep slipped away once I sensed his body behind me. I could feel the warmth radiating from him—his calm spiritual energy interacting with my wild one.

I took a deep breath, trying to keep the façade. As I stared forward, I listened to what he had to say.

"I apologize for behaving so strangely and cold against you" he started, and I closed my eyes, trying not to let his one apology to affect me. It did mentally, but I wouldn't show it. He had no excuse for doing so. "In those two months...I had time to think and process what had taken place...I *closes his eyes for a moment before looking at me* ... I am sorry for how things turned up, and I do not wish to bury the past."

Opening my eyes, I slowly turned to look at him, my face giving away how much I wanted to hear those words. After all, I had been through; I yearned to see that no one was against me. I knew Wangji was not entirely, being his usual self but Xichen had left before I could confirm it.

My heart started to beat slightly faster as I looked into his eyes, seeing the very same pain I carried and his sincerity. I took a step closer, being in too close proximity. So close that our noses were inches away from touching.

In the past, I was warry of my personal space due to my secret. However, that moment was different. Xichen knew who I was and I, for once, knew what I felt. As I stared into his eyes, he didn't move back and instead watched me as my eyes travelled his face. They stopped for a moment at his lips before looking up at him.

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