Chapter 2

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Narrowing my eyes, I saw blackness spreading from the middle of the lake almost right in front of us.

The water became wild, creating waves that shook our boats and suddenly it all gathered in sort of tentacles, made of spinning water. I had never seen anything like that and Wuxian looked to be the only one excited.

Demonic arms made of water went straight to attack the Lan siblings which were awfully calm. Needless to say, my jaw dropped as to what followed next. They both drew their swords and started to spin, gathering powerful spiritual energy before sending it, directly on the wave of water hands.

Jumping on the air, they send more from above, attacking it from all direction. If I thought the previous teamwork was impressive, this one was beyond words of explaining. I always thought I was talented for having no roots or for having a legendary being as my teacher, but damn did they reach a new level.

Of course, not her level but it was obvious why they were so known and even had fancy titles to go along with. It wasn't enough though as the wave came again, towering above us as Wangji was by my side. However, red spiritual energy was sent and destroyed it before it could harm us.

Looking at my right, I could see that Wuxian had his sword out. It looked like a good sword, judging by the powerful attack.

"Nice sword" Wangji commented, making me blink. Did he actually comment something nice? "What is its name?"

"Whatever" the teen replied and sent it to attack the demonic water.

"The sword has a spirit. So you better give it a proper name"

Wuxian then proceeded in explaining that the name of the sword was indeed 'whatever' which almost made me slip. How could you name a sword something like that? A powerful spiritual sword?

I facepalmed and it was then I noticed that the two swords were fighting but were ambushed. One of the water tentacles went to attack Subian, but I sent mine. In a flash of purple, it shot and pierced right through the wave as Wangji's sword delivered another attack.

"Your welcome," I said with a smirk, feeling the need to show off a little more but decided against it. I summoned Zixiu back on my hand but didn't sheath it. The others followed suit with Wuxian sheathing his.

The waters calmed down and the darkness disappeared, but it was too good to be true. Something else could come soon so I tightened the grip on Zixiu and got ready. Weird thin black tentacle-like things came from the water and tried to attack Cheng but he had sensed them.

He drew his sword, but he didn't manage to harm them as they quickly withdrew underwater. "Be careful, there is something in the water"

His boat shook and I could imagine it travelling right beneath us, choosing its next target. I swallowed the lump on my throat, never having to deal with something like that. Water demons, common and easy but this...what was this, to begin with?

Two of the boats at the very back with disciples were suddenly dragged further away from us. We all turned and watched; unable to distinguish what was behind it.

"What was that?" Jin Zixuan asked.

It was Wangji though who thought forward and sent his sword under the water. As it returned, it also brought the same black hair-like things. "What is this?"

We all then sent our swords to do the same, guiding them with our energy to slice through whatever was holding the two boats captive. A sigh escaped one of the Lan disciples as he collapsed on the boat, relieved that he was now free.

"Thank you for helping us," another disciple said and bowed to Wangji who gave a nod with his head.

I sheathed Zixiu, feeling thankful for such loyal and strong weapon by my side. It did somehow paled in comparison to the others when it came to appearance but not in power.

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