Chapter 14

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[A/N] – Sooo, as I rewatched the episodes to write the chapters and did some research, I realized something. I may have changed a few things about the story, mostly details on time and something on the attack on Cloud Recess.

My apologies for that but I suspect it should be expected with fanfic. I will try to fix it and be as accurate to the timeline as I can. Also, I have only seen a few episodes of the series so I will keep writing while watching which might delay the updates for a while.

Also, my mom just passed away so my moods and writing spree is on point, changing constantly.

Shoutout to all those amazing readers who comment on my stories. You have no idea how much your words have helped me deal with the pain of loss. I always wake up to sweet comments that make me want to grab my computer and start writing.

You guys rock! And I love you! <3


I felt like I was flying in a pitch-black abyss. No sound and no physical matter for me to touch. I felt so light, like a golden-brown leaf that was taken away by the gentle wind of autumn. I was at peace and barely thought of time there.

Yet, one day a bright light scared the shadows away and made me fall from where I was levitating. I felt like falling, the air around me pressuring to escape my lungs as my senses warned me that I was about to crush.

The moment my body came in contact with whatever was beneath me, my eyes snapped open and I needed a few seconds to steady my breathing. I blinked and focused on my surroundings, the blurriness goes away.

I realized I was in some room, quite bear with any objects or items or people. I frowned, trying to recall how I ended up there, but my mind was blank. I tried to move my body and I realized how sore it was.

With pressure and sheer stubbornness, I managed to bring my legs to the side of the bed I was laying and slowly lift my upper body. I needed a minute until the numbness left my limbs and only then I realized my waist had been bandaged and my wound had been treated.

On top of that, a simple white shirt had been given to me and was neatly placed by my side for perhaps when I finally woke up. I stared at it until my brain started to hurt. With one hand at my temple, I slowly relieved the last moments before I fall unconscious.

Once I did, I jumped off the bed and almost stumbled at the dizziness. I sat back down and waited for a moment for everything to calm down.

Xichen...he saw me...he is alive...he saw me...! He is alive!

My thoughts swarm around my brain like an endless number of angry bees and I took a deep breath to calm down and put everything down.

Okay, so Xichen found us and must have saved us. He must have left the clothes, but he also saw we are a woman. Now, he still treated us and let's not forget that he is not dead but rather alive and seemed healthy? That is good...right? But where are we?

Once the right question was asked, I regained my logic and stood up again. This time slower! Then I wore the shirt, covering my bandaged chest and new wound bandages. A familiar scent of the fresh mountain and lemongrass reached my nose and my cheeks heat up once I realized who ad left the clothes and who the owner was.

Shaking my head left and right, I realized my hair was a mess and I pulled the ribbon, allowing them to be free for once after a long time. I walked barefoot towards the door of the small room.

Once I opened the door, I was met with two Lan Cultivators that was supposed to stand guard outside the room. I lifted an eyebrow and looked at them, the sound of the door opening had drawn their attention to me.

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