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THINGS at the LaRusso household we're definitely tense even after the Halloween dance mishaps

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THINGS at the LaRusso household we're definitely tense even after the Halloween dance mishaps. "Hey, Sam! Katherine! Banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes are up." Daniel called out to the two girls who were still upstairs. "Ah, sweet! Cha-ching!" Anthony yelped helping himself to a plate full of pancakes. "Hey, hey, remember, save some for your sister. You know those are her favorites." He shrugged continuing to pile the pancakes onto his plate. "Oh, like I don't like pancakes?"

Katherine was the first to come downstairs, ruffling Anthony's hair and greeting her uncle. "What's the special occasion?" She asked grabbing a plate and serving herself one pancake. "At the dance, I found Kyler and Sam in a compromising position. Turns out it was all a misunderstood and he was giving her some family heirloom bracelet. Now she won't talk to me." She simply hummed wondering the rest I'd the story. "Hey, come on, Sam! You're missing out."

"Nice! Pancake taco." Both Katherine and Daniel looked at Anthony with disgust seeing his plate filled with sugar. "Come on, dude. Seriously?" Heating footsteps come from downstairs Daniel thought Sam was going to join then until he heard the front door slam shut. "I better get going before she leaves me here and I have to walk to school. I'll see you both later." Grabbing her bag and closing the door behind her she got in Samantha's car which was dead silent.

Arriving at school both girls made their way to their lockers. Katherine broke the silence hating that they weren't talking. "Hey look I'm sorry, I should have heard you out last night. What happened how come your so upset with your dad." Samantha sighed. "Long story short he embarrassed me in front of Kyler." She didn't have time to respond due to Sam closing her locker and going up to Aisha. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

"I've gone viral. How do you think I am?" Katherine joined both girls giving Aisha a supporting smile. "Cheeto pig!" Someone said passing by and making pig noises towards the girl. "Hey asshole mind your own business." Katherine yelled flipping off the boy getting a thankful smile from Aisha. "Look, they're mean, but they have short memories. They'll forget." Aisha rolled her eyes at her supposed friend. "Well, l'm not gonna forget." The conversation was interrupted by none other than Kyler.

"Hey, there's my girl." He said making Aisha walk away and making Katherine mentally gag. Noticing her face fall her boyfriend rose an eyebrow. "Hey. Hey. What's wrong?" He asked but Sam shrugged it off. "Nothing. I got the movie tickets. You sure l'm not dragging you?" Katherine zoned out getting her math book from her locker. "No, it'll be fun. You know it's one of those dying-teenager-in-love movies, right?" Samantha nodded. "Yeah, I love tragic shit."

"Really?" Samantha asked a smile making it's way onto her face again. "Just promise me you won't tease me if I, like, tear up." Kyler said making Katherine laugh and shut her locker. "Now that's completely believable." She said making Sam shoot her a glare. "Hey, I've gotta get to class, but I'll see you tonight." She said cutting the conversation short and ignoring her cellphone that was ringing. "I can't wait. Yeah, me too." He said leaving the two alone. "I seriously don't know what you see in him."


"SO THAT'S IT NO MORE KARATE?" Demetri asked making Miguel shrug. "I guess so." Katherine pursed her lips after hearing what happened after the dance she understood where Miguel's mom was coming from. "It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence." Demetri said making Miguel shoot him a look. "Isn't that a good thing?" Katherine asked making both boys nod agreeing. "No. What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?"

"Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler." Eli whispered making Miguel smile. "Are you insane? Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone could have?" Demetri asked making them all answer at the same time. "Super strength?" Eli responded. "Teleportation?" Miguel added. "Getting but by a radioactive spider and having the ability of shooting spider webs out of your body?" Katherine finished. "Wrong, it would clearly be invisibility." Demetri stated in a matter-of-fact tone giving Katherine a weird look seeing as she had referenced Spider-Man. "A distant second would be super speed to run away fast."

"Run away from who?" A voice spoke up from behind the group making the group jump. Katherine locked eyes with Kyler and Brucks who she had gotten familiar with. "Whom." Brucks corrected making everyone turn to him in confusion. "It's the object of a preposition. Remember English class-" Miguel was able to cut him off from his absurd rambling. "And we were just leaving." Katherine began to help the boys gather their books when suddenly Kyler grabbed Eli. "Hey, where you going? Oh, look at this freak."

"Oh. Oh, shit!" Brucks then started fake gagging making Katherine ball her fists in pure rage. "What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?" That's all it took. "Why don't you leave him the fuck alone, Kyler." Suddenly realizing who she was he slowly let him go. "I feel bad for my cousin, dating a dipshit like you." Brucks laughed making Kyler angrier. "Yeah like she's believe you. Just because your new here doesn't mean your all tough. Your hanging out with losers for crying out loud."

Eli noticed how tense Katherine was, not wanting her to get in trouble he slowly pulled her away from Kyler who was smirking. "Come on Kat, he's not worth it." Reluctantly Katherine backed down not wanting to make a scene in the library. "That's right run away bitch." Miguel was going to lunge for him but Katherine stopped him. Kyler then grabbed Demetri's backpack off his back and dumped it in the trash." No, come on, not the trash! I just threw a... yogurt in there."

Katherine glared at the boys as Demetri fished his backpack out of the trash now covered in yogurt. "Now it's double dip." With that they exited the library leaving them alone. "Come on Demetri I'll help you clean that up." The boy nodded shooting her a thankful smile as they left the library. Little did they know that Samantha had witnessed everything and suddenly felt horrible regretting not listening to her cousin and dad who were right about Kyler.

Later that night Katherine noticed that Sam had arrived early from her date with Kyler. She shrugged it off working on her history essay when suddenly her bedroom door was open revealing a guilty looking Samantha. "Hey." She said making Katherine give her a look of confusion by the tone of her voice. "I'm sorry I doubted you about my friends and boyfriend, you were right they are assholes." Katherine shut her laptop setting it aside and opening her arms to hug Samantha.

"What happened?" She asked as Samantha laid her head on her shoulder blade. "Kyler tried to grope me in the movie theater, I saw what he did and said in the library so I dumped him." Katherine grit her teeth pulling away from the hug to look at her cousin in the eyes. "Do you want me to kick his ass for you?" She asked making Samantha laugh and shake her head. Katherine nodded pulling her back for another hug. "I'm lucky to have you Kat, I'm sorry for being a bitch lately." They both let out quiet laughs. "Don't worry about it, and I'm lucky to have you guys too."

Ugh who else loves Samantha and Katherine's bond?! Sorry if this chapter was short it was more of a filler to get the story going

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Ugh who else loves Samantha and Katherine's bond?! Sorry if this chapter was short it was more of a filler to get the story going. Exciting things are on their way!! Also thank you guys for giving this book a chance I'm so excited for you guys to see what's next!! <3

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