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ARRIVING at the unfamiliar house in the hills Katherine followed after Samantha, Miguel, and Axel

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ARRIVING at the unfamiliar house in the hills Katherine followed after Samantha, Miguel, and Axel. Her eyes widened upon seeing Axel beeline towards the alcohol on the counter. Yet before she could scold and go after her brother, Samantha held her back. "It's prom, let him let loose." She chastised making Katherine roll her eyes but never the less give in. "What are you drinking?" Sam asked walking up towards the counter and browsing through all the various alcoholic beverages. "Good old Dr. Pepper," Katherine grinned. "I don't wanna get scolded, handling drunk Axel will be enough."

"You're such a buzzkill." Sam teased pouring herself and Miguel a drink. "I'll remember that when you ask me to hold your hair up later tonight." Katherine teased, giving her cousin a playful nudge before walking away. "I guess Moon's not coming." Eli sighed looking around the party for the girl he had been trying to talk to all night. He then looked over at Demetri who was too busy making out with Yasmine once again. "I'm sorry. Did you say something?" He questioned, slightly dazed. "Would you two give it a rest? You've been at it all night." Katherine gagged handing Eli a soda. "Come on, let's check out the rest of the house." Yasmine smirked, ignoring Eli and Katherine's disgusted faces.

"I'll race you." Demetri beamed making Yasmine giggle as they ran off, going to do god knows what. "That was-" Eli muttered. "Disgusting." Katherine finished making him chuckle as he sipped on his soda. Suddenly the music in the background abruptly turned off making the crowd groan in annoyance. "Whoa! The day the music died. What's going on? Guys, turn it back on." Boomed the voice of Stingray. "There are families on this street trying to get some sleep." An unfamiliar man suddenly interrupted, angrily holding up the remote that controlled the music. "If y'all don't go home right now, you're gonna get arrested for underage drinking." He threatened.

"Okay, relax. Hey guys! You don't have to leave! It's fine. He's my neighbor." Stingray coxed making all the teenagers who were about to walk out stop in their tracks. "What are you doing here? You weren't invited. You should leave right now." Stingray deadpanned. "Okay, no one listen to this speed bump of a human. This is a loser, everyone. That's why he's partying with you because he has no friends his own age." The man rambled making everyone in the crowd whisper amongst themselves anticipating Stingray's next move. "Okay," Stingray muttered calmly. "I warned you, but you just had to push it and make it personal." He seethed.

In response, his neighbor simply smirked smugly. "I did, Stink-Ray," He provoked making Stingray's patience get thinner by the minute. "And you know what I'm doing right now? I'm gonna start pushing these buttons and I am gonna call the cops." He taunted waving his phone in the air. Yet before he could even dial the number, Stingray stepped forwards and grabbed his hand roughly, fracturing it. "Ow!" The man grimaced. "It's not Stink-Ray. Also, this is really gonna sting." Stingray warned kicking his neighbor in the groin. "So is this." He announced landing another kick to his face as the crowd cheered him on. "Party on." Stingray declared turning the music back on.

"Stingray, Stingray, Stingray, Stingray!"

The crowd of teenagers chanted as he bowed. "Okay, it's time for a real drink. This night keeps getting interesting." Katherine muttered. "You want anything?" She asked looking over at Eli who shook his head. With that, she stood up and walked outside. "Fancy seeing you here." The familiar voice of Tory spoke up from behind Katherine. "You look nice. Blue is really your color." She complimented with a small smile making Katherine raise a brow. "Thanks," She replied skeptically. "You look nice too." She smiled offering Tory the drink she had just filled deciding to be civil for the night. Before the blonde could grab it however a hand smacked it away.

"Get away from her." Samantha seethed pulling Katherine behind her protectively. "Sam-" Katherine began yet Samantha shook her head. "You had some nerve even showing up tonight." She spat making Katherine step forward before her cousin could do anything. "Stay the hell away from my family." Samantha warned making an amused smile appear on Tory's lips. "Sorry. I don't take orders from tiny, little bitches." She insulted. That was Samantha's last straw. Katherine watched as Samantha angrily landed a kick to Tory's stomach. Katherine lunged for Samantha, trying to put an end to the fight but in doing so, she had received a kick from Samantha knocking her off balance.

As she fell, the heel of her shoe snapped twisting her ankle painfully. "Kathy! Are you okay?" Axel asked, running to his sister's aid and immediately sobering up. Katherine could only nod, clutching her foot in agony. "Sam, stop!" Miguel yelled, successfully pulling his girlfriend away from Tory. "What are you doing?" He questioned, his tone laced with frustration. "I'm doing what Johnny said! I'm not taking her shit anymore!" Samantha exclaimed in frustration. "No!" Miguel suddenly yelled lunging at Tory before she could cause any damage. "Get off of me!" Tory screamed, thrashing around in his hold and knocking them both onto the floor.

"Get off of her!" Robby snarled running up and grabbing Miguel by the arm. Samantha was then quick to pull Robby away from her boyfriend. Only in doing so, it gave Tory the perfect opportunity to swipe her leg under Sam's, knocking her over. Katherine winced, watching as Robby ran to help  Tory at the same time Miguel helped Samantha stand. Glaring at one another, Sam didn't waste a second before running towards Tory. Yet before she could touch her Robby pulled Tory back and spun her around so that she could skillfully kick both Miguel and Samantha, knowing them down.

It was now Robby against Miguel and Tory against Samantha. Punch after punch and kick after kick, they landed angry blows to wherever they could reach. "We have to stop them before someone gets hurt." Katherine insisted. "Are you crazy? Do you want me to end up with a black eye? They're literally fighting to the death!" Axel exclaimed. Katherine suddenly overheard what Robby had said to Miguel, adding more fuel to the already burning fire. Yet Robby had already anticipated Miguel's next move, so he tripped him. In doing so, Miguel slammed into Samantha and Tory the three of them now falling into the freezing cold pool.

"Oh, we're jumping into the pool?" Stingray questioned, completely oblivious to the fight that had just happened. "This is the greatest night of my life!" He yelled before cannonballing into the pool, followed by other drunk teenagers. "Wow, you managed to stay dry. Can you help me out?" Tory asked swimming towards Axel who was helping Katherine stand. As Axel grabbed onto Tory's hand to pull her up from the pool she smirked before pulling him into the pool with her. When he resurfaced he scoffed watching as Tory laughed at him for easily falling for her trick. "Oh, that's just cruel." He gasped splashing Tory as payback.

Katherine knew she shouldn't smile upon watching her brother and her cousin's enemy fighting like literal children in the pool but she couldn't help it. Suddenly her attention was drawn towards Miguel and Sam who walked out of the pool. By the look on both of their faces, she knew that they were both mad about what had just gone down. Knowing that it was best for them to drive home alone, she opted for asking them for a ride. She also didn't want to pick a side in their couple's quarrel. "I saw you fall. Are you okay?" Robby's voice asked snapping her out of her thoughts, as he gently grabbed her arm.

"It's not broken, so hopefully just sprained." She sighed. "Let me drive you home. It's the least I can do for ruining your night." Robby begged Katherine whom was slowly walking off her injury. "I'm actually going home with Eli." She muttered. As if on cue, Eli walked up to them and wrapped an arm securely around her waist so that she wouldn't put any pressure onto her foot. "Ready?" He asked, not missing Robby's clenched jaw and fists. She nodded, giving Eli a small smile before allowing him to lead her out of the party. Not giving Robby the satisfaction of winning her over so easily.

ANOTHER UPDATE!!! 🥳It seemed only fair since I left you guys hanging for a while due to finals

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It seemed only fair since I left you guys hanging for a while due to finals. Which I shockingly passed!! Wow was this chapter intense! There are only a few more chapters left you guys! I wanna see your thoughts/theories of what might happen in the comments! Although I'm almost certain that you guys aren't ready for what's about to happen!!

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