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"READY!"LET'S BEGIN!" Daniel and Johnny simultaneously instructed as the Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do students waited for further instructions

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"READY!"LET'S BEGIN!" Daniel and Johnny simultaneously instructed as the Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do students waited for further instructions. "Uh, begin what exactly?" Demetri asked raising his hand, speaking up on what everyone was wondering. Johnny and Daniel looked at one another before turning back to the rest of the class. "Begin a new era," Daniel started. "Many of us used to be enemies, but rivalries don't need to last forever. The All-Valley Tournament is just a few months away, and this year the stakes are higher than they've ever been."

"We know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. There's only one way we're gonna be able to beat-" Yet before Daniel could finish his sentence Johnny was quick to interrupt. "By kicking their asses so hard, they shit themselves." His straightforwardness made Axel laugh which resulted in Katherine elbowing him. "We gotta take things to the next level. They strike first? We'll pre-strike!" Johnny explained. "Okay, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Okay, are going to respond to what they do." Daniel reasoned. "Eagles do not respond. They swoop down and take whatever they want."

"That's what we're gonna do. Take back the Valley." Johnny countered. "Take it back in a measured and organized approach." Daniel corrected. "We bite first!" Johnny pressed making Daniel let out a sigh of frustration. "Okay, let's just warm up with some simple exercises." Johnny nodded watching as they all lined up in rows. "Just breathe and follow me." Daniel spoke up first. "Fighting positions!" Johnny hollered expecting his Eagle Fang students to follow his lead. "Right leg back. Front kick ready. Hi-yah!" Only in doing so, the Eagle Fang students ended up knocking down some of the Miyagi-Do students in front of them.

"Well, that went well." Axel muttered sarcastically as Katherine and Samantha helped him up from the floor. "Ready, and fight!" Johnny instructed Mitch and Bart. The two boys then proceeded to fight one another, as their fellow Eagle Fang peers cheered them on. "Hey, hey! You're just swinging at each other. Don't you teach defense?" Daniel asked stopping the fight and turning to give Johnny a questioning gaze. "The best defense is more offense." Mitch responded as Bart landed a kick to his stomach and successfully knocked him over. "Why do you have a rock in the middle of your dojo?"

Johnny questioned yet Daniel proceeded to ignore him. "Katherine, Sam let's show them how it's done." He called out making both girls nod. "Fight!" Daniel yelled making both girls hold their fists up and walk around in a circle waiting for Daniel's instruction to strike. "That's it. Keep circling. Don't anticipate. Stay focused." He coached making Johnny roll his eyes. "One of you do something. What the hell is this?" Johnny pleaded. "That's not how this works. One of us has to be provoked." Demetri spoke up on behalf of both girls. Without warning, Johnny threw his plastic bottle at Katherine who yelped not expecting the sudden contact. "Provoked yet?"

Johnny questioned turning back to Demetri who gave Katherine an apologetic look. The rest of the day went by in a similar manner. Johnny and Daniel alternated between their different styles of teaching. Which resulted in many minor injuries, mostly the dojo getting some of the beatings. But mostly Daniel's patience with Johnny running very very thin. When the sun went down, both Sensei's gathered that it would be better to resume training in the morning. Upon arriving back home Katherine, Axel, and Sam could tell that Daniel was completely drained for the rest of the night.

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