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"WHAT WERE YOU SAYING?" Samantha wheezed leaning against the staircase along with the rest of the Miyagi-Do students

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"WHAT WERE YOU SAYING?" Samantha wheezed leaning against the staircase along with the rest of the Miyagi-Do students. "It can't be that bad? What do you call this?" She repeated what Katherine had said the night prior. Katherine simply rolled her eyes at her cousin, not having enough air in her lungs to talk back. "Where is he taking us?" Nate questioned. "Nowhere good," Demetri panted. "I head he drowned a kid in a pool trying to teach him how to kick, and that was before he sicced a rabid dog on Eli. This does not bode well."

He explained all while trying to catch his breath. "Let's go, Miyagi's. Move your asses!" Johnny ordered. "Come on guys, we're almost there." Katherine coaxed, running up the stairs with Sam, Demetri, and the rest of the students following behind her. Katherine followed after Johnny as he led them onto an abandoned rooftop. "Oh, God. I'm tired of being right." Demetri sighed as he and the rest of the students looked over the ledge of the building. "What are we doing here?" Sam asked glaring daggers at Johnny who seemed to be unphased. "When an eagle's hungry, it doesn't hesitate." Johnny started.

"It'll dive down at 100 miles an hour to snatch its prey. It doesn't wait around for a fish to jump in its feet." He continued. "Talons." Demetri corrected. "It's not talent. It's instinct. An eagle knows it has to make the first move. If you want to beat Cobra Kai in the All Valley, you gotta break yourself of this wait-and-see crap." He pressed. "How exactly are we gonna do that?" Samantha asked crossing her eyes over her chest unimpressed with Johnny's pep talk. "You're gonna jump from this roof to that one." Johnny replied nonchalantly pointing to the other roof that was quite a distance away.

"What? Are you crazy?" Samantha gasped. "That building is, like, five Nates away and we're at least 14 Nates high." Demetri calculated. "Please don't use me as a system of measurement." Nate pleaded from next to Demetri. "Quiet!" Johnny yelled making both boys stop arguing. "If you wanna be an eagle first you gotta learn how to fly. You can't do that unless you jump." Johnny stated matter-of-factly. "What if we fall?" One of the Miyagi-Do students asked. "That's what the mattresses are for." Johnny replied pointing to the cushions laying in between both buildings. "And if we miss the mattresses?" Demetri gulped. "Try not to." Johnny sassed.

"All right, who's first?" Johnny asked looking at the group. "I'll do it." Katherine replied shrugging off her backpack. "Atta girl!" Johnny praised. "Kat, no! Are you crazy?" Samantha exclaimed grabbing her cousin's arm. "We're not leaving until someone jumps." Johnny clarified as Katherine shrugged out of Samantha's hold. "Let's go, I'll wait." He pressed. "Then I guess you'll be waiting a long time because we're not jumping." Samantha stated firmly walking away from the ledge of the roof along with the other Miyagi-Do students as Katherine gave Johnny an apologetic look. "All right, what's the problem LaRusso? Don't tell me you're scared of heights."

Johnny taunted approaching Samantha. "I'm not scared." Samantha replied. "Then what is it? Worried you're gonna mess up your hair?" Johnny pressed. "My dad wouldn't want us doing this." Samatha protested. "Oh, gimme a break. Do you do everything your mommy and daddy tell you to? Why can't you be more of a daredevil like Kat over there? If they told you to jump off a bridge, would you?" Johnny questioned. "You're literally telling me to jump off of a building." Sam shot back making Katherine roll her eyes. "Yeah, onto another building. All I'm trying to do is help you doormats survive the All Valley."

"If we do your training, I don't think we'll survive the afternoon. Look, we came here with an open mind, but this is too dangerous." Samantha retorted. "I know what I'm doing." Johnny assured. "Do you? Because based on your track record you don't have the best judgment." Samatha doubted. "Oh, you wanna talk judgment. How about smashing into my Firebird and driving off with your girlfriends?" Johnny reminded. "I wasn't even driving, I was in the back seat." Sam protested. "Okay, how about showing up at my place drunk, causing your dad to kick down my door? Guess that wasn't your fault either?" Johnny quipped.

"I'm a teenager who's made mistakes. You're a 50-something-year-old man who lives alone, drinks all day, and clearly hasn't figured out his own life." Samantha seethed. "Sam!" Katherine scolded but Johnny shrugged her off. "I've figured out one thing for sure. If I did everything my parents wanted me to do, I'd be wearing a suit and tie in some worthless job while I wait out the clock. Now I get to do what I love every damn day. I get to try and help kids like you, if you want to sit in the back seat your whole life, go right ahead. It's no sweat off my back." With that, Johnny walked away leaving Sam to her thoughts as Katherine shook her head in disappointment.


"SO NO ONE WANTS TO FLY?" Johnny asked once more. "You all just want to stay in the nest. Pathetic!" He shouted glaring at the students who were sitting down. "Alright, fine you win," He surrendered at last. "You can bore Cobra Kia into submission. You all failed. Grab your crap and let's go." Johnny ordered. "Looks like you got what you wanted." Johnny muttered looking over at Samantha in disappointment. Those words seemed to be the motivation Katherine needed.  "I'm sorry Sam, but I'm done trying to please everyone." Without another look back, she dropped her backpack and distanced herself enough from the ledge, and ran as fast as she could gaining enough momentum so that she would land successfully on the other side.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Johnny cheered as well as the rest of the Miyagi-Do students. "Screw it?" Katherine yelled looking at Sam who had a look of determination on her face. "Screw it." She confirmed dropping her backpack beside Katherine's. Samantha did the same as Katherine, successfully making it onto the other roof as well only instead of landing on her feet she landed in an impressive summersault. "Nice move, LaRussos!" Johnny praised as Katherine embraced Samantha. "Told you. We both needed a little adrenaline in our lives." Katherine winked making Sam nod as she watched her breath. "I'm glad I listened to you." 

This is my favorite chapter that I've written so far! Badass Katherine is back guys! I honestly gotta say I love how she was able to push Sam into jumping! Now the question is would you guys jump? More Katherine and Johnny content because I love t...

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This is my favorite chapter that I've written so far! Badass Katherine is back guys! I honestly gotta say I love how she was able to push Sam into jumping! Now the question is would you guys jump? More Katherine and Johnny content because I love their development this season! Now, all we need is to throw Robby into the mix, don't worry he'll make his appearance again really soon! Comment your thoughts!

This is my favorite chapter that I've written so far! Badass Katherine is back guys! I honestly gotta say I love how she was able to push Sam into jumping! Now the question is would you guys jump? More Katherine and Johnny content because I love t...

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Okay but like Robby working out 🥵

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