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ARRIVING home from the tournament was very bittersweet

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ARRIVING home from the tournament was very bittersweet. Samantha hadn't said a word the whole car ride home. You could practically cut the tension in the back seat with a knife. Katherine could tell that Sam was holding in so many different emotions. Yet she feared in saying anything, knowing that the tiniest words would set her off. Only Axel didn't seem to understand that now was certainly not the time for his humorous jokes. "Well, that was pretty brutal." He huffed out making Katherine cringe at his choice of words. Samantha only scoffed harshly in response. Any minute now, Katherine grimaced mentally preparing herself for what was coming.

"So Axel," The older boy turned in acknowledgment not catching onto Samantha's harsh tone. have you congratulated your girlfriend on the win yet?" Sam quipped. There it is. "I'm sorry Sammy, I don't know what you're talking about." Axel shrugged, scratching the back of his head which only seemed to fuel Samantha's anger. "Oh cut the bullshit, Axel, I know there's something going on between you and Tory." She spat, venom in her tone. "Please don't even bother lying to me, you both weren't exactly subtle at prom. Everyone saw you. Including me." She now turned to Katherine who had tried to stay quiet in order to avoid any more fighting for the night.

"Let's be honest it's just a matter of time before Katherine befriends her and then you all will turn against me." Sam argued, crossing her arms over her chest and turning away from her cousins. "Sam, that's not true." Katherine reasoned, yet Samantha didn't even bother to reply. Daniel and Amanda tried to intervene yet they both knew it was better to let them handle their own situation as adults. As soon as Daniel parked in the driveway, Samantha wasted no time in throwing the car door open and running inside leaving everyone completely speechless. "Give her some space, she'll come around." Amanda sighed. Axel and Katherine shared a look of concern before they each nodded knowing that Sam needed to clear her head.

"No matter what happened, I'm proud of all of you," Daniel started as they trudged their way inside. "You both fought the way I thought you and even used a little of what Johnny did. Despite everything I misunderstood him. He always had good intentions when it came to his students. Perhaps if I realized that sooner tonight could've ended differently." Daniel sighed. "You're proud of us even though I didn't make it to the finals and even though Kathy got hurt? Uncle Dan you do know that mean's you'll have to shut down the dojo, right?" Ansel asked as Daniel unlocked the front door. "We'll figure it out. We always do." Amanda insisted yet they weren't so convinced.

"Good night both of you. Try to get some rest, it's been a long day." Now that, everyone could agree with. After hearing his father's words of encouragement, Anthony rolled his eyes and rushed up the stairs just like his sister had done moments prior. "What's wrong with everyone tonight?" Axel whispered to himself making Katherine shrug, biting her lip anxiously. "You need help?" Axel questioned, motioning to Katherine who carried her crutches. "No, I've got this." She assured. "Anthony looks like he needs you right now, go." She coaxed. Noticing that her cousin was acting off ever since he had disappeared halfway through the tournament. Not having much of a choice, Axel gave Katherine's hand a reassuring squeeze before rushing upstairs.

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