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"STARTING POSITION!" I instructed Kenny as we trained in the back room. "I told you, I've got all the moves down." Kenny complained. "What did I say about balance?" I reminded making him roll his eyes but never the less follow my instruction. We were about to start when I heard the front door open followed by. "Robert Swayze Keene! Where the hell are you, you coward!" Katherine? What was she doing here I questioned, ignoring Kenny's questioning stare. Did she also seriously have to use my full name? "You finally came back for more, Princess." I could practically hear the smirk on that asshole Eric's face.

"If you take one more step closer to me, I won't hesitate to kick your ass. You remember what happened last time?" She threatened. "Right." He muttered, clenching his jaw. "By the way how's that friend of yours with the Mohawk doing?" Eric taunted, which was enough for Katherine to lose her composure. Yet before she could lay a hand on Eric I ran up to her and pulled her away by the waist, easily picking her up. "Let me go, Robby!" She seethed, thrashing around in my arms. "Mr. Keene make this fast, you have more training to do." Sensei Kreese ordered making me nod as I pulled Katherine into the back training room.

"Would you put me down now?" Katherine demanded. "Depends, are you calm now?" She didn't give me an answer, instead, she elbowed me in the ribs hard releasing herself from my hold. "What the hell Katherine?" I spat holding my side in pain. I should've never underestimated her. "That's for what you did to Eli. You're so damn lucky an elbow to the ribs is all I have the energy for." Figures that's why she would be here. "What you think suddenly makes you tough? Five against one. Well, newsflash Robby it doesn't make you tough it makes you a coward." She seethed, I could practically feel the hurt and anger radiating off of her.

"Are you done defending your boyfriend?" I interrupted growing tired of hearing her defend another guy who definitely deserved what I did. "Boyfriend?" Katherine asked, raising a brow. "Eli isn't my boyfriend he's my best friend and I don't appreciate you and your Cobra Kai posse messing with my friends." She retorted. "He deserved it, Katherine! Or did you forget what he did to me at the All Valley? This was my chance to finally get back at him." I explained. "Are you serious? He made a mistake, you've made plenty of them yet you were given a second chance. So what, if I piss one of you guys off, you're all suddenly going to come after me next?"

"You know I'd never let them lay a hand on you." I answered sincerely. Yet I could tell Katherine had a hard time believing it. "How can I be so sure of that Robby? You just went after one of my best friends. Do you actually think they're going to stop terrorizing us simply because you ask them to? I honestly don't even recognize who you are anymore. So, just stay away from my friends, or else you'll see a side to me you don't ever want to see. I thought you were better than this Robby, despite what everyone in the dojo told me I constantly defended you. I wanted to believe that you were still the same person I fell in love with, but guess I was wrong about that too."

As she was ranting, I couldn't help but notice the necklace I gave her was still adorned on her neck. Maybe there was hope I could fix this after all. "I miss you, Katherine." I breathed out watching as her eyes searched mine. I decided to push the boundaries, stepping closer and reaching out to touch her. "Don't say that," She muttered quietly, pushing me away. "Don't be like that, you have to believe me." I pressed. "Don't be like that?" She repeated, I could tell by her clenched jaw and tone that I had completely overstepped. "I cried for you asshole!" Katherine huffed, pointing a finger at my chest. "You broke my heart in a matter of seconds,"

"Every night, I spent every waking minute wondering if you would grow a pair and answer one of my hundred text messages. Wondering if you felt guilty for what you did or regret that you picked the wrong side to fight with. I hated myself because if you were to miraculously show up at my doorstep I would have taken you back with wide arms without even thinking about it. I questioned where my loyalties and morals lied every second of every day. Yet here you were, socializing with the enemy and teaching them everything my uncle taught you. Well, guess what I'm done. I'm done waiting for you to finally come to your senses and realize that you chose wrong,"

"Not only did you lose everyone's who cared for you. You lost me. In the end, Robby I hope it was all worth it. Kreese is just trying to get between you and your dad and you let him. I know he's made mistakes but he deserves more than his only son betraying him. I guess you just never thought about the rest of the people who you hurt." As I processed those words I knew I had fucked up the one good thing that ever happened to me. I wanted to grab her, kiss her and hold her in my arms once more, reassuring her that I felt horrible for all the things I had said to her that night. Yet before I could defend my actions and the reason behind them she walked away fiercely wiping away the tears that I had caused without another glance at me.

"Later, princess." Eric wolf-whistled. I was surprised my jaw didn't snap from how hard I was clenching it. This asshole seriously didn't get the hint last time, looks like it was time for a reminder. "If you so much as look at her wrong or even think about laying a hand on her, I'll go against Kreese's orders and actually kick your ass." I threatened. "Whatever." He scoffed brushing past me. If it wasn't for Kenny standing next to me then I would have completely snapped and pummeled his face into the mat. "Man, your girl is a feisty one." Kenny muttered as I grabbed the training equipment. "Yeah," I chuckled wholeheartedly. "She sure is."

SURPRISE SURPRISE! I finally gave you guys a chapter from Robby's point of view

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I finally gave you guys a chapter from Robby's point of view. I honestly had to listen to my "sad" playlist in order to get in the mood and write this chapter. After this incident do you guys think Robby and Katherine will get over their differences and get back together? Or should Katherine finally move on? There are still some lingering stares from both of them. I hope this chapter was worth the wait! Let me know what you guys thought and what you want to see next!

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