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ANOTHER day at Miyagi-Do, Katherine and Robby stated it off early with some training in the pond

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ANOTHER day at Miyagi-Do, Katherine and Robby stated it off early with some training in the pond. "I don't know if we'll ever use this in a fight, but if we're ever forced into a dance battle, we're set." Katherine laughed causing her to loose balance but Robby caught her just in time. "Whoa. Thanks." He smiled letting go of her arm slowly so she could regain her balance. "Uh, hey, are we doing shirts versus skins?" Demetri asked interrupting them.

"Cause I prefer to be a shirt. Not saying that you have to be a skin." He told Katherine who gave him a confused look. "Unless you want to. I support your right to choose." Axel laughed as he was sparing with Samantha on the side. "Demetri. Over here." Daniel called out letting them go back to their training. "Hey, Mr. L, before we begin..." he said handing Daniel a piece of paper. "What's?" Daniel was about to ask but Demetri cut him off. "It's a note from my mom excusing me from any extensive arm and leg movements."

"Smooth bro." Axel called out making Daniel give him a glare. "So, uh, if there's an alternative lesson I could do... Maybe a workbook." Demetri suggested. "Show me sand the floor." Daniel asked. "You want me to sand it again? It's pretty smooth." Demetri said crouching down. "No, no, the movement. Show me the movement. Remember?" Demetri got in position. "You ready?" Daniel asked and he nodded. Yet he completely forgot how to block resulting in Daniel kicking him. "You kicked me!"

"Why didn't you block, Demetri? You know this. This is the muscle memory." Daniel explained helping him up. "In case you haven't noticed, I don't have muscles." Daniel sighed already getting slightly frustrated. "Do you want to be here, Demetri?" Daniel asked. "Not really." Demetri answered honestly. "Then why are you here?" Demetri sighed. "My whole life I've been, let's just say, less than popular. But at least I had a few friends."

"And then Cobra Kai comes to town, and next thing I know, my friends are taking karate and becoming alpha jerks." The comment made Katherine freeze knowing that he was talking about Eli. "I'm literally being threatened by my best friend. I just wanted to show I could fight back." He finished crossing his arms. "Look, I understand what you're going through. I do. But Miyagi-Do isn't about showing off. It's about..." Demetri cut him off. "Self-defense. I know. Problem is, my self is too weak." He said walking off with his head down.


LATER that day Samantha, Katherine and Robby had decided to go to the mall to hang out. "Oh, sweet man bun." Samantha said making fun of Robby's ID. He laughed. "I told you it was a horrible picture." Samantha laughed showing Katherine the ID. "You know, if you were friends with me at the time, I could have warned you that this was a fad." Sam joked making Robby shake his head. "Yeah, well, I'm stuck with it for five years, so no biggie, right?" Katherine shook her head giving it back to Robby.

"Wait." She said taking it back. "Robert Swayze Keene?" Samantha and Katherine made eye contact chuckling at him. "My mom was a huge fan of Patrick Swayze. He was an actor in the '80s." He explained. "Yeah, like we haven't seen Dirty  Dancing, like, 100 times." Samantha said making Katherine smile at the memory. "My mom made me watch it all the time." Robby said putting his ID picture back in his wallet. "Made you?" Katherine asked raising a brow at him.

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