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KATHERINE found herself sitting in the cafeteria alongside Moon and Yasmine

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KATHERINE found herself sitting in the cafeteria alongside Moon and Yasmine. Luckily the blonde hadn't tried to talk to her in which Katherine was thankful mainly only talking to Moon. "Hey! You ready to rock our earth science presentation?" Demetri said holding a rather large board with a white cover over it. "I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk regularly." Yasmine snapped back making Katherine roll her eyes. Hey, hey! My popularity's on the rise, while yours is steadily declining."

Katherine bit back a laugh as she watch Demetri gain confidence and talk back to Yasmine. "But, uh, maybe we can meet in the middle, like a sexual Venn diagram." He said making Moon and Katherine burst out laughing. "Ew." Yasmine muttered. "So what's under the sheet?" Moon asked growing curios. "I'm glad you asked." Demetri said standing up dramatically. "Behold what scientists believe to be the Valley when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Go ahead, press the hadrosaur egg."

Katherine did as he said watching as the noise of birds chirping and the volcano roared to life. "Holy shit Demetri that's amazing." She said clapping her hands in awe. "Not bad! My parents may not have to pay for my A." Yasmine said making Demetri nod. "Your parents will never have to pay for an A again. This thing is a masterpiece. I mean, everything's to scale. And at 8,251 individual pieces, this meticulously assembled model represents the exact moment before the asteroid hit..."

His rambling got cut off by a soccer ball suddenly flying past and destroying everything Demetri had worked so hard on making the students in the cafeteria gasp and start whispering. "Oh. Pfft, I'm sorry, man. Looks like my ball just got away from me." Hawk said sarcastically grabbing his ball from the table. That took me three weeks to build." Demetri gasped trying to comprehend what had just happened. Eh, took my ball three seconds to destroy." Hawk boasted making his buddies laugh.

"Do you have another one?" Yasmine asked making Katherine give her a 'really' look. "Another week, another pissing contest. I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much." Demetri said making Hawk glare at him. "You landed one kick. You got lucky." He said getting in Demetri's space. "Back off, or you won't be lucky." Samantha said getting in between both boys. "Like you'll start anything, princess." An unknown yet familiar voice said from behind Hawk. "Actually why don't you go sleep with someone new and break his heart?"

"You?" Katherine said looking at the boy who yelled at her in the hallway on the first day of school. "Figures you'd be friends." She mumbled making him snarl. "What did you say to me?" He asked yet got cut off my Counselor Blatt. "What's going on, Miss LaRusso? You know our physical contact guidelines. Did she enter your personal bubble without verbal consent?" She asked looking at Hawk. "She definitely triggered me in my safe space." He mumbled innocently, obviously playing the victim.

"What? He started by destroying my science project." Demetri defended pointing to his ruined Legos. "That was an accident! You probably shouldn't bring toys to school." Hawk said making Katherine glare at him. "I don't want excuses. I just want you to respect each other. We should stop the aggression. Micro and macro." Hawk said making Katherine and Samantha roll their eyes. "Oh, give me a break." Katherine mumbled. "Hey Consider this a warning, Miss LaRusso. Pick up these Legos, someone could get hurt."

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