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TRAINING with Johnny had been a lot smoother after the whole 'jumping off roofs' situation

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TRAINING with Johnny had been a lot smoother after the whole 'jumping off roofs' situation. Only today, Katherine could tell that something was bothering Johnny. "Attack!" Johnny instructed holding up boxing pads so that the students could practice their kicks and punches. Samantha, Katherine, and Chris managed to do it with ease. Katherine was then proven right about her theory when Demetri managed to land a right hook on Johnny due to him being distracted. "Oh shit!" Demetri exclaimed making Katherine gasp in shock.

"Um, I'm not gonna get in any trouble, am I?" Demetri hesitantly asked yet the look on Johnny's face confirmed their suspicions. Yes, he definitely was going to get in trouble. "All right, remember, one of the best ways to get a point is to aim for the torso," Johnny explained as he landed a kick to Demetri who had been duct-taped to the punching bag with mattresses surrounding him. "All right, front kick, sidekick. Ready?" Johnny announced making Demetri thrash around trying to free himself not liking the idea of being a human punching bag.

"I'm sorry bud." Katherine apologized in advance despite her friend's muffled protests. "Very nice." Johnny praised as Katherine walked back to the end of the line. "Nice kick, LaRusso! Remember, whip that foot through the target." Johnny reminded making Samantha nod. Chris was up next, and instead of landing a perfect kick to Demetri's covered abdomen he missed and kicked him in the groin instead. Katherine and the rest of the Miyagi-Do students gasped watching as Demetri's face went completely pale. "Oh shit. I missed. My bad, Meat." Chris muttered, a grimace on his face.

"Very good. Suck it up. Tighten that core." Johnny coaxed making Demetri look over at him as if he was insane for wanting them to continue. "Good day. You guys showed toughness," Johnny praised the group after a day of hard work. "You sure you're okay?" Johnny asked turning to a limping Demetri who was leaning on Katherine for some support. "Oh yeah. No, they're starting to turn back to their normal color." He reassured. "Thanks, Kat, I'll see you later." He smiled giving her shoulder a squeeze before walking away. Taking the chance that she and Johnny were finally alone, she decided to ask what had been on her mind throughout practice.

"Sensei Lawrence," She started making Johnny turn to face her. "Forgive me for asking since it's probably none of my business, but is everything alright with you? I noticed that you seemed a little off during training today." Katherine asked, handing Johnny a cold water bottle figuring he would need it after the day's brutal training. She watched as he took a big swing of the water bottle before making eye contact once more. "Don't worry about it kid, but good job training today." With that dry response and a forced smile, Johnny stood up and walked towards his van. Yet Katherine wasn't so sure that he was being completely honest with her.


THAT following afternoon, Katherine decided to meet up with Hawk and the rest of the Miyagi-Fang students at the nearby drive-in. As she walked to the concession stand to get herself and the other snacks she immediately noticed a younger boy who was carrying way too many items that looked like they would fall any second. "Hey, you look like you can use some help." She offered kindly, while the boy looked like a deer caught in headlights. "T-Thanks." The boy stuttered. As Katherine was about to reach out and help him carry the items in his hands, she felt someone knock into her resulting in all the food falling from his grasp and spilling on the floor.

But just as she was about to tumble to the ground from the force of the impact an arm snaked around her waist managed to steady her. "Shit, my bad Kat. You should watch where you're going, kid." Hawk quipped towering over the younger boy. "Eli, what the hell?" Katherine scolded giving the unknown boy an apologetic look. "Was that really necessary?" Yet before he could defend himself a very familiar voice spoke up. "Yeah, same goes for you." Robby scowled walking up to them. Robby didn't know what upset him more, the fact that Hawk had been picking on a younger student that he was taking under his wing or the fact that he wore a smug smile with his arm around Katherine.

Katherine watched as the younger kid immediately walked to Robby's side, yet she refused to make eye contact with the boy who had been haunting her mind since the incident a few months ago. "Look who it is." Hawk taunted, letting go of Katherine so that he could stand face to face with Robby. "You betrayed Miyagi-Do. Traitor." Nate spat, glaring at Robby. "Oh, there's a traitor here for sure. He's gonna get what he deserves." Tory joined in glaring daggers at Hawk. "I don't think so. Not if I have anything to say about it, princess." Samantha spat.

"Hey, guys. Can you believe that they have Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper?" Demetri questioned walking up to the group completely unaware of the intense staredown that was happening. "Oh shit. Not another rumble." Demetri grumbled. "Careful, LaRusso. Your mommy isn't here to play peacemaker." Tory smirked. "What's that supposed to mean?" Sam demanded, only for Katherine to hold her back. "Guys, stop. We can't do this. We'll beat them on the mat." Miguel reasoned. "Oh really? You do remember what happened the last time we fought, right?" Robby reminded.

Katherine had to bite the inside of her cheek in order to hold back everything she wanted to say. However, right now was certainly not the time to bring up her personal problems. "Okay," Miguel caved. "Meet us at the baseball diamond in 30 minutes. No weapons." He declared. "Yeah, we won't need them." Tory stated. "Yeah." Miguel whispered, glaring daggers at his ex-girlfriend before grabbing Sam's arm and turning around in the other direction. "It was nice seeing you again Katherine. The same goes for your cute friend." Tory called out eyes trained on Axel, making Katherine clench her jaw as she walked away.


"WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR, EXACTLY?" Katherine questioned as she and the others waited inside Hawk's car, a distance away from the baseball diamond. "Because you really seemed pretty ready to kick their asses Miguel, yet we're all hiding up here." She pressed. "All part of the plan, Katherine. Trust me, it's worth the wait." Miguel assured yet she wasn't buying it. "Please do enlighten us on this genius plan of yours, Miguel." She replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Yet Miguel didn't get to answer. Suddenly Katherine watched with wide eyes that the sprinklers had turned on, successfully drenching each one of the Cobra Kai's.

It didn't take much to know that they were all probably scowling in anger due to being set up. "Dude, genius move! We didn't even have to throw a punch!" Hawk exclaimed, praising his best friend as Samantha and Katherine shared a look. "My favorite kind of victory." Demetri chimed in. "Is it bad that I actually wanted to go down there and kick some of their asses?" Axel questioned making the boys shake their heads. "All in good time, dude." Miguel assured making Axel grin. "This stunt is definitely gonna come back and bite us all in the ass." Katherine murmured as Hawk drove away still laughing alongside Miguel.

ROBBY HAS MADE HIS APPEARANCE! And he's a little jealous! 😏 I honestly couldn't wait to post this chapter! Not gonna lie I kinda hated Hawk for what he did to Kenny, poor dude wasn't doing anything just trying to survive

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And he's a little jealous! 😏 I honestly couldn't wait to post this chapter! Not gonna lie I kinda hated Hawk for what he did to Kenny, poor dude wasn't doing anything just trying to survive. Just a fair warning this may be one of the last chapters I post for a while since I have to study and focus on my upcoming finals but I will be back to finish writing for season four! There are more exciting things to come that you guys aren't ready for!

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