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"HOW ARE YOU UP THIS EARLY WITHOUT COFFEE?" Axel asked Katherine as she did some sit ups on the mat inside the Miyagi-Do temple

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"HOW ARE YOU UP THIS EARLY WITHOUT COFFEE?" Axel asked Katherine as she did some sit ups on the mat inside the Miyagi-Do temple. "I had some extra energy I needed up burn off. How are you up without caffeine?" Katherine shot back noticing Axel's bed head and pajama pants. "Couldn't sleep." He replied nonchalantly sitting down next to Katherine as she continued to exercise. "So now you're just gonna watch me exercise?" She asked raising a brow. "Did you have any other plans for the day?" Axel asked making Katherine halt her movements, momentarily laying down on the mat.

"Not that I know of. Sam and Miguel are going out on a date, Demetri and Eli are going to binge watch this new nerdy show, Daniel and Johnny are going to discuss guess I'm all free then." She replied. "Need a sparring partner?" Axel asked making a smile grow on Katherine's face. "We haven't sparred since we were five." Katherine reminisced. "Are you implying that I wouldn't be able to kick your ass now?" He asked giving his sister a smirk. "That's because you would always cheat." She corrected making Axel let out a dramatic gasp. "Kathy, I was seven how could I have cheated at such a young age?" He retorted making Katherine roll her eyes.

"Just because you were a toddler doesn't mean you were innocent or played by the rules. You're responsible for my first black eye remember?" She reminded making Axel grimace at the thought. "That was a accident, I told you to get out of my way but you being stubborn didn't listen. Hence it wasn't my fault." He corrected making Katherine roll her eyes. "Whatever makes you feel better big brother." She mused sarcastically. "You serious about sparring?" He asked once more making the brunette nod her head. "If you're up for it that is." Axel suggested once more making Katherine smirk up at her brother. "Definitely," She confirmed. "Get ready to lose."


HITTING the punching bag repeatedly was definitely one way to get rid of stress and access tension, seeing as Axel took forever to change into his workout gear. "Wow you brought the gloves out and everything." Axel spoke up from behind her making Katherine loose her rhythm momentarily before hitting the bag with precision once more. "What did I tell you about sneaking up on me when I'm practicing?" She reminded making Axel hold his hands up in mock surrender. "My apologies, rookie." He mused knowing that the childhood nickname would set her off. "You're going to be taking those words back soon enough."

"We'll see about that Kathy." He challenged, strapping on his gloves. "You're not gonna warm up?" Katherine questioned noticing how Axel was already in a fighting stance. "I don't need it." He replied nonchalantly making Katherine roll her eyes. "Suit yourself." She muttered before running over and trying to land a punch yet Axel was one step ahead. "Block with your hand." Axel instructed making Katherine let out a frustrated breath. "I got it." She reassured. "if you had it, I wouldn't have to say anything." He teased making Katherine angrier by the minute. As he lunged for her once more Katherine dodged the attack going for another hit.

Once again, Axel was able to predict her attack moving out of the way before her glove covered fist could collide with his face. This time he grabbed her arm and applied pressure making Katherine wince. "Give up yet?" Axel asked. Katherine took the opportunity and slipped her right foot between his legs getting enough momentum to release herself from his hold and knock him to the ground. "What were you saying about giving up?" She retorted straddling her brothers waist so that he couldn't get up. "I'm impressed, normally you would have given up by now." He mused making Katherine smirk. "Does that mean I'm finally better than Axel Sinclair?" She questioned.

"You wish, now can you please get off of me?" He asked nicely making Katherine sigh before getting up and holding her hand out for Axel to take. As he did, Axel pulled her body the ground and knocked Katherine over, chuckling at her expression. "That's typical coming from you." She muttered sitting up from the ground. "Sorry sis, couldn't help myself. You should have expected it." He teased handing Katherine a bottle of water which she immediately took. "Asshole." She whispered under her breath making Axel chuckle. "What are you thinking about?" Axel asked bumping his shoulders with Katherine noticing her spaced out expression that usually meant she was overthinking. "Just lookin'."

She lied taking a drink of her water and pointing to the Miyagi-Do dojo landscape. "Right," Axel muttered sarcastically. "You know I can tell when you're lying?" He remarked making Katherine turn to face him. "Really? How so?" She challenged. "Call it a brotherly intuition. Now come on tell me what you're really thinking." He pressed making Katherine let out a sigh. "The usual." She replied nonchalantly. "The usual meaning Robby Keene?" He asked making Katherine tense upon hearing his name. "Possibly." She murmured confirming Axel's thoughts. "Like I've told you many times before, it's okay to miss him Kathy what you too had was clearly very important and special."

"Not special and important enough or he wouldn't have chosen Kreese and Cobra Kai over us." She seethed. "Not to mention what Tory said to me before she left, 'If I were you I'd worry where your boyfriend spends his free time. And with who.' What the hell does that even mean! Ugh it annoys me so much." She muttered, running a frustrated hand through her hair. "She clearly just wanted to get in your head," Axel started rubbing Katherine's tense shoulder. "Seeing how you just reacted she was successful in doing so." He gathered making Katherine lean her head his shoulder. "Not to mention mom called a few days ago."

"What?! Mom called and you didn't tell me?" Axel jumped making Katherine shrug. "No wonder your on edge, what did she say?" Axel asked. "Same old, same old. Me being an ungrateful daughter, everything being my dad's fault, the usual. She would have probably asked me to send her money if I didn't hang up on her." She explained.  "That definitely sounds like her. Are you okay though? You know you're not what she says she is."  Axel reassured making Katherine hesitantly nod. "I know. I just hate having to deal with her. block her number and she keeps finding ways to contact me, I'm sick of it. Next thing I know she'll show up at the dojo and say something to hurt me in front of everyone."

"I know I make it seem like I'm okay with not talking to either of my parents but in reality I'm not. Uncle Daniel and Aunt Amanda fill that void but at the same time I wish I did have a mom I could count on for problems or talk to my dad about my boy issues. The last thing I need is for everyone in the dojo to know how shitty my life is. Then I'd have to move back to Europe alone and find another school, new friends, basically start all over again." Katherine rambled. "Hell will freeze over before she comes back. Besides if she does come back we'll all have your back. Don't waste your time on mom or even Robby. You should just focus on yourself and on your friends and family that love you."

Leaning over to give her brother a hug, Katherine let out a content sigh. "Thanks Axel, I know I rarely say it but I'm really glad your back." She whispered into his shoulder. "I know Kathy, I know." He replied pressing a kiss to her temple. After a moment passed Axel poked his sister's side making Katherine raise a brow. "So, coffee?" Axel suggested making Katherine shake her head. "I could actually go for some sushi right about now." She propositioned making Axel smile, throwing an arm around his sister. "You're on." He approved snatching the car keys from Katherine's pocket and running out to her car with Katherine hot on his trail, laughing for the first time in a while.

OMG I MISSED THIS BOOK SO MUCH! 🥺So here's another chapter, for you all! I'm ready to start writing season four as soon as December rolls around expect updates from me! The teaser trailer looks amazing!! Axel and Katherine's sibling bond owns my ...

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So here's another chapter, for you all! I'm ready to start writing season four as soon as December rolls around expect updates from me! The teaser trailer looks amazing!! Axel and Katherine's sibling bond owns my heart, I had to dedicate them a special bonus chapter! Also thank you all for almost 90K reads that's literally amazing! I'm so glad you guys like this book!! I continue look forward to seeing all your lovely comments and messages that bring a smile to my face!

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