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SAMANTHA and Katherine watched as Chris groaned from being thrown to the ground by Demetri who landed a good hit on him

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SAMANTHA and Katherine watched as Chris groaned from being thrown to the ground by Demetri who landed a good hit on him. "Good hit, man." Chris mumbled as Demetri helped him up. "Good. Again. We have to be ready to fight." Samantha encouraged as they both got into a fighting stance again. "What are you doing?" Amanda asked from behind them looking between her daughter and her niece in disappointment.

"Uh... Would you believe... study group?" Demetri asked her making Katherine mentally face palm. "Go home. All of you. Now!" Amanda demanded making them all sigh but never the less listen to her. "What part of "no more karate" did you not understand?" Amanda asked looking between both girls in disappointment. "Seems pretty straightforward." Anthony said making Katherine give him a 'not now' look to which he ignored. "The part where you and Dad decide that for me." Samantha shot back.

"They do pay the bills. You live under their roof." Anthony stated matter-of-factly making Samantha glare at her brother. "What about school? Principal Lopez called. Think you can ignore their rules too?" Amanda added making Samantha scoff. "What, the soccer game? That was nothing." She insisted. "It's not nothing, Sam. You could've got suspended again." Amanda said sternly. "Thought you were smarter. Very disappointed in you." Anthony added making Amanda roll her eyes at him unnecessary commentary. "Go wait in the car, Anthony."

She instructed making him sigh but never the less listen to her. "Look, Sam, I don't know what's going on with you..." Amanda started but got cut off. "No, you don't. And if you think karate's the problem,
you've have not been paying attention." Sam interrupted rushing past her mom and Katherine clearly pissed off. "Just give her some time, she'll cool off." Katherine suggested giving Amanda a reassuring look. "I'm just worried about her Kat." Amanda said looking at her niece in concern.


NOT wanting to be a part of Samantha and Amanda's business Katherine drove off to somewhere she could distract herself. Golf N' Stuff immediately came to mind seeing as she was a few minutes from there anyways. Grabbing her purse and phone she made her way inside to the ticket area buying a pass for herself and grabbing a golf ball and club for the afternoon. She had texted Sam asking if she wanted to come and hang out with her. Yet due to the lack of response she guessed she wanted to be alone. Sighing she headed to the food court.

Getting a milkshake and some fries she checked her phone for the thousand time hoping that Samantha would answer. Sighing she shoved her phone back in her pocket and headed to the video game arcade section. After getting her hard earned tickets from the dispenser, Katherine went over to the prize booth surprised to see a fellow Miyagi-Do student. "Hey Chris." She greeted making him smile. "Hey Kat, what are you doing here all by yourself?" He asked straightening out the prizes. "Guess I just needed to get my mind off of a few things," she paused holding up her tickets.

"So what can I get for these?" Chris was about to speak but he was cut off. "Don't worry princess, I can get you whatever you want." A guy her age said looking at her up and down. "No thanks," she tried but the guy stepped closer handing Chris his tickets. "I insist, so what's your name gorgeous?" He asked clearly not taking the hint. "Not interested, you know what Chris I'll just come back-" Yet she was stopped by the guy yet again. "Hey look-" He started but stopped talking when a figure behind Katherine glared at him. "I think my girlfriend told you she wasn't interested man."

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