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THE following morning Katherine had woken up to an empty bed. Sitting up she rubbed the tiredness from her eyes and getting out of the bed walking into the kitchen to find Robby and Johnny talking. "But, look, I'm gonna have to tell LaRusso about this. It's his kid." She heard Johnny tell Robby. "Look, please don't. If he sees her like this, it'll crush him. Let me take the blame. I'll say I got drunk and told Sam and Katherine to bring me here." He said making Johnny hesitantly nod. "Hey, good morning."

"Morning." Robby and Johnny greeted in unison. "Thank you for letting us crash here tonight Mr. Lawrence it was really nice of you." She said making Johnny smile. "Call me Johnny, and not a problem. You two must really like each other by the way I see it." He pointed out making both Katherine and Robby blush. "Johnny?" The three of them heard Daniel say from the other side of Johnny's front door. "Oh, no." Robby said making Katherine mentally face palm. "Johnny, come on, I saw your car outside. I know you're in there, open up."

He said knocking on the door harder. "All right, you two go in the other room, I got your back." Robby nodded grabbing Katherine's hand and pulling her into the room they both slept in. A few minutes went by and they could both hear sounds of a fight. They looked at one another and hesitated if they should go check it out or not. "Dad, stop! Don't!" Samantha yelled getting in between Johnny and Daniel. Katherine and Robby came out of the room watching the scene of family drama and old rivalries unfold.

"Sam, Katherine. What happened? Are you guys okay?" Daniel asked looking at Sam in worry. "Yeah, I'm fine." She reassured. "Why didn't you call or text us?" Daniel asked looking between both girls. "Mr. LaRusso, it was my fault. I brought them here." Robby said making Daniel shake his head in disappointment. "Wait, now, don't even start. I gave you a second chance. This whole thing was a mistake. You know, you wanna end up like him, that's up to you. All right, come on, girls."

"Please, Dad." Samantha begged. "It wasn't their fault." Katherine added making Daniel shake his head. "Sam, Kat I don't wanna hear it. Let's go." He said sternly. Katherine nodded. "I need to get my things from the room." She said making Daniel nod. "I'll see you down there in five minutes." He said walking out the door with Samantha. Katherine grabbed her bag and walked back into the kitchen where Robby was waiting for her. "I'll see you when school starts." He said giving her a quick kiss before she hugged him and walked out the front door.


"YOU HAD TO PULL UP RIGHT IN FRONT." Samantha grimaced making Daniel scoff. "If you wanted to drive your own car today, you wouldn't have done what you did." He scolded making Samantha roll her eyes. "Dad. How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry? I made a mistake." She said making Katherine nod in agreement hoping to back her up. "Everyone makes mistakes. But when you get in trouble, you come to me or your mom. Not that guy." Daniel said making Katherine roll her eyes at his behavior.

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ⇨ 𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐘 𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now