00.27 [cowboy like me]

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the smoggy mossy trees smell, the damp grass & the grey dancing clouds made your very early mornings a little more welcoming. the stuffy nose, and cold floor made it harder to get up & start the day but the meowing of the old ginger cat encouraged you up. " alright, alright. I'm up." he purred making you more annoyed "why are you even up this early for? you are always sleeping little guy." the loud snoring coming from your left side was also a reason to be up at this time.

"vin." a small humming, & stomach growl was the response you got "vin, vin get up." he sat up fast, with puffy eyes & morning breath "hi." his yawns scared novi off the bed "morning v." "you ready to start the day?" i asked "do we have too? why can't we just stay in?" the tension between him closing his eyes a little more, & cuddling with you made it harder or him to get up "we have things to do around the house." i laying on my stomach now with the white sheets nearly covering my back " fine, but you own me a lot." he got up & didn't even bother changing out of his nightwear "can you lend me a hoodie?" " no, your gonna steal it." you laughed still taking the hoodie out of his hands.

the sun didn't bother coming up today, but that didn't cross your mind, what was in your mind right now was vinnie's outfit choice. he wore some red/black plaid pajama pants with some timberland boots & a black long sleeve. "why are you looking at?" both of us walked hand in hand to the end of the road "this outfit, like what?" you laughed "well you laugh all you want, but I'm Americans next top model period." he did a little hand movement at the end of this sentence "oh wow, hopefully no steals you from me!" you give a dramatic response "I'd never let that happen, your the one i want." he kissed the top of your head.

"hey when did novi get here?" the ginger cat was walking along side the both of you, quietly minding its business he meows, you give him a small smile "how do you think the horses are doing this morning?" though he was tired he'd do anything for these small moments like these " I don't know, they usually are grumpy. like someone i know?" you gave him a side eye "who?" he look around "you!" you both laughed and continued walking the the little field.

you & vinnie wanted to move out of the big city, and live somewhere else. a little more quieter than the big "grand" city & also rent wasn't fun so both of you bought a big price of land, built a house & a tiny little "farm house" for the horses. The two of you accomplish a lot on this land. "we also have to check out the garden, see if the turnips or Brussels sprouts grew." he said "yeah fresh from the garden vegetables are always the best."

after a long walk to the little farm house, the horses were actually happy to see the two of you. "hello! you sleep well?" you petted the tall white horse who was the oldest out of the three "how come they wasn't that much excitement when I woke up?" you rolled your eyes "because you have morning breath when you wake up, sorry baby." you give a kiss on the cheek "and they don't?" he laughed "alright, come on cowboy these horses aren't going to feed themselves."

_________________________omg hey! sorry for the like SUPER long break, needed to focus on school💆🏽‍♂️but yk that's it much love 💗

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omg hey! sorry for the like SUPER long break, needed to focus on school💆🏽‍♂️but yk that's it much love 💗


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