00.5 [first love/ last spring]

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you woke up bright & early, for a photo shoot. modeling wasn't always your dream but you tried it & feel in love with it. "alright let's get [y/n] dressed & ready! uhh good luck." your manager told everyone "vinnie babe, you wanna wait over there?" vinnie never got the time for your shoots & today he made time to see you.

"the first couple outfits are gonna be simple, then will put you in the dress" it's been over an hour, we all had lunch you would  talk to vinnie whenever you could, he stood there in awh, seeing you do what you love. you really appreciated it.

"baby? when are you gonna have you're next shoot?" you sat in a chair while they did your makeup, "why love?" you made eye contact "  I don't know, just like spending time with you" he said shyly.

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