00.3 [streetcar]

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his hometown really clams me & he knows, that it put my mind in a different space than los angles. It's 4 in the morning & lani couldn't sleep, she didn't like the cold she liked being next to the fireplace while someone reads her a book. even if she didn't understand what they were saying she enjoyed it.

"maybe a walk?" he offered he was right, lani liked going on walks "yeah, a walk sounds right." I got dressed into something more warm, while vin got lani dressed "ready?" vinnie had poncho on a leash, poncho was very excited to go on a walk "want me too hold her?" he saw how tired, and could use a hand.

the sun made its way up, leaving us to see a beautiful view. the walk was relaxing vinnie and I talked about random stuff you know 'teen' stuff. light small snores could be heard from lani "babe? why are you holding her like that?" I pulled out my phone to take a picture "hey if she's asleep it's fine with me." vinnie smile "I love you." and we continued on our walk.

_____________________hopefully u enjoyed 🌿-v

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