00.22 [never find you again]

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I drove, on the rainy road it was quite peaceful on a friday night not always so peaceful but today just felt different the music was playing to loud ever so often you could hear the artist sing. you turned you head seeing a drunk vinnie, he's a complete mess..going out and drinking/party with his buddies but they didn't even bother to drive him home or get him a cab, "[y/n]? are you mad at me?" though we weren't dating it felt like it was, "yes, kinda upset. you're wasting time going out and drinking." i always give him this talk and he dreaded it.

"[y/n] don't wanna have this talk right now." he said "no vinnie, because your clearly not getting the point i just want you to be safe/healthy. you just don't see me trying don't you." you pulled up into his driveway you helped him out the car "now, I'm going to get you ready for bed then I'll be leaving." he nods "are we clear?" "yes ma'am!" he jumped on the bed.

•vinnie's pov•

felt loopy, my site was all blurry I felt my eyes have a hard time staying out even in the car i sat there in my thoughts for a second feeling the world stop for me just to rethink what I've done. what am i doing this for? what's the point? "vinnie?" she lends on the door frame "what you thinking about?" she passes me the water bottle, and a pill "here it'll help with the headache, you should be sleeping right now it's the best thing for you." her small smile gave me goosebumps "can you stay?" she left out a sigh " i don't know, I'm really busy tomorrow." she looked around my room "what are you doing?" it took her awhile but " I'm going on a date with someone."

"huh, wait what?" after hearing that i was completely sober "who, when! how!" my voice boomed off the walls, she look confused but angry she thought she be getting a better reaction guess not "what do you mean 'how!' and it really doesn't apply for you because you're not going on the date!" she talked back, "and you expect me to sit here, and just let you go! no fuck that. fuck that!"

this is the first I've ever yelled at her or gotten angry at her after everything she's done for me "you don't get to say whether i get to go or not! it's my life! sorry vinnie hate to break it to you!" she carelessly picked up her things "and to think after everything I've done for you. just to know that your safe, well, healthy! but that's not enough for you! what more could you want!?" I didn't answer

"answer me now!" she sighed "answer me, or I'll leave because i have better shit to do, than to be with someone so ungrateful." I still wasn't answering to any of her questions sitting there like an idiot 'say it vinnie go on' that's all the replayed in my head " I'm in love with you."

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