00.2 [my tears ricochet]

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It was a rainy day, in London. I wasn't in the mood to stay home like everyone is, jogging was my only escape. you know burn off the energy. putting on a windbreaker & my sneakers I made my way through the streets of London.

the rain wasn't that bad, is was light, nothing to dangerous. I ran past couples, strangers, shops & stores. i wanted to stop by a cafe & get a coffee or hot chocolate.

I walked out the small cafe, with a hot chocolate & and a baked good, I enjoyed jogging it seemed peaceful. Making you forget the stress of school, and online school, it was nice.

I walked home normally, drinking my hot chocolate making me warm. as I walked I saw the most beautiful woman ever. her hair was lightly wet from the rain, her glasses were all foggy she had books in her hands. she look back at me we made eye contact.

I swear time slowed down, we walking past each other but everything was in slow motion, she smiled at me. is as if she stopped the rain with her smile, making the sun come out. but good things come to an end & the rain was still here. once she was finally out of my site I looked back too see her face, thinking she would too.

she did.

______________________hopefully u enjoyed 🌿-v

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