00.25 [Paris, 1924]

413 8 2

welcome! [before I start i would like to state that this isn't mine. i found it while scrolling through youtube comments and if this is yours message me so i could give you credit <3 ]  [⚠️TW-mentions suicide]

but enjoy!

cigarette smoke. I could clearly tell the man lived in 113 was writing again. The laughter of his son had died down a few hours ago, which made sense, since no child would be awake at this ungodly hour, when only the streetlights lit the way and the tower was dim as the night.

I was sleepless again, just like almost every other night, and I find myself standing at the doorway of my balcony, listening to whoever the man in 115 is playing at two in the morning with glass of wine to hopefully knock myself out before I end up crying again about my brother that was taken from me by the war.

Chopin he was playing this time, and my intoxicated thoughts wandered over to Monsieur Hacker of 115. Nobody in the building ever really knew him, including me. All I know was that he was a librarian, and he always played something on the piano at two in the morning. He played beautifully, if it always didn't sound so hauntingly lonely.

He lived alone, like most of us, but i never once heard someone come in with him. I occasionally have some friends over, or a nice gentleman, but not once have I heard him bring anyone over in the past three years that had lived next door. Did he not have friends?

I finished off the last of my glass, taking a clean one and grabbing the bottle before I went and tightened my robe around me. The only thing that made sense was to wait outside his door until he stopped playing and knock until he opens it.

I can tell it was going to end. I had a strange feeling I couldn't just show up half-drunk outside his door in my nightgown again. The music fades, slowly, slowly as though it wasn't willing to let go just yet, but knows that it must.

I paused for a few seconds, hearing his footsteps this again the hardwood floor, along with a chair being dragged. He was probably cleaning up, knowing he was done for the day, and I momentarily came to my senses. Do people even clean up at two in the morning? Who does that? Because I sure as hell didn't.

My knocks echoed so loudly across the silent, empty hall that it scared me for a little bit, only realizing a few seconds later that is wasn't the landlord knocking at my door, but me, knocking on Monsieur Hacker's.

I immediately wanted to retreat to my room, knowing that I haven't really thought about this when I knocked on his door. What should I even say? Bonjour? Two o'clock wasn't exactly considered as daytime yet, and it is a little too late for bonjour.

A tall man greeted me at the door. In the dark, i could make out his frame, and a little bit of his face "Bonjour- I mean, salut!" The panic was a little too obvious on my voice, having almost said bonjour when he opened the door a little to quickly. "Sorry." I gave him a sheepish smile when he tilted his head to the side, as if wondering what on earth was I doing outside his door.

"Sorry to bother you, I live next door, and I wanted to tell you that you play wonderfully."

He hesitated, furrowing his eyebrows at the sight of the glasses and the bottle in my hand "Do you like Merlot?"

"It's good." He said, trying to block my view into his apartment, his head covering the view of the unlit chandelier, looking a little tense as he did. "Would you like to have a drink with me?"

He stared at me for a while, blinking at me for a few seconds as though I wasn't real. I watched as he looked back as his chandelier with a deep sigh, moved to step on the chair below and untied the coil of rope that hung from it, his movements slow, without any hurry at all. I patiently stood. He's pretty. I thought, he truly was as he untied his rope, all hopelessness that he had on his face earlier suddenly converted into concentration to complete his task. And when he finally did, returned to his place in the doorway, still holding the rope in his hands. I knew what he was going to do with it, it still had the noose tied and everything. I made no noise when he let out a breath, and finally, a ghost of a smile.

"Alright." he said.

_____________________hopefully you enjoyed! message me if this is your work! -v

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