00.21 [bloom]

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•vinnie's pov•

hand in hand, we walked along the forest side. the tall trees made it hard to see sunlight, but the sun hit all the right places the mossy oak, & cold wind flows just as if it were dancing, sometimes if we we're quite enough we hear the birds sing "dada, look a bunny!" the fluffy creature hopped around looking curiously "you think it's lost?" my daughter asked again "no baby maybe, it's looking for it's family?" my wife [y/n] said, "yeah, they also have a family too." she stares up at me "but what if it can't find it's family!?" she said in a panic "baby we can't help it, it's home it here." her eyes filled with tears "come here little one." [y/n] picked lani up, comforting her "baby what if you were that bunny?" she looks at her mom.

"and you were looking for us? hm and someone saw you. and just picked you up without thinking, basically taking you away from you're family." lani payed close attention to what her mom said. that's something she got from her no matter that problem you had [y/n] was always there to listen.

She'd turn off anything or make time just to hear you rant, her heart was pure with kindness & love "you wouldn't want that, right?" lani shook her head to her mother's question "that's why we have to be friendly to nature and it's beauty, because one day it's all gonna be gone." talking lani from [y/n] arm's, into mine "and no one wouldn't want that, Mother Nature is beautiful!" i shouted she giggled at my silliness "MOTHER NATURE IS BEAUTIFUL!" she shouted, i kissed her cheek.

•[y/n] pov•

"MOTHER NATURE IS BEAUTIFUL!" lani shouted, she's just her dad fearless without a doubt she's out her box that's for sure, she's not like the little girls at her preschool. and that's not a bad thing because normal isn't something i think she'd be.

She's also extremely talented, and full of energy all the time, i mean all her teachers tell me is she's so friendly & at peace with everyone. which is something i wanted to show her, that with kindness & love you can make a big change but nothing always comeback when you've been so kind or loving there's always someone/something that gets in your way.

"mommy knows, that one song!" lani started humming the song "oh yes! that song you've got good music taste kiddo." she laughed, i was always scared to see what my little girl she become, scared she'd be afraid of what the world has waiting for her or something happening to her but she's completely the opposite,

"sing it mommy!" she pulls on my sweater "okay ookayyy! lemme see." i tried remembering the lyrics "Can I take it to a morning Where the fields are painted gold." she smiles at the lyrics " And the trees are filled with memories Of the feelings never told?" she sings back. i used to sing this song to her when she couldn't fall asleep "Oh, the whole world it i sleeping, But my world is you" vinnie jumps in "hey that's mine line!" she tried tickling him but failed to do, "you to are goofy, but i love it!" i kissed vinnie "SHE LOVES IT!" they both shouted we all laughed. " what we learn today?" vinnie said "kindness?" lani & i said "my girls, my beautiful girls."

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