00.16 [the one.]

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you guys drove to the field, with your lanterns. you wanted too have a different type of date night because it's was always dinner or a movie, you wanted something you could remember. the fields were covered in people with their lanterns ready, they have set up a blanket to see the lights.

getting out of the car, after you put your masks on "baby, help me with the stuff." vinnie popped the trunk, you helped with the basket & blanket. "we're should we sit? or set up?" vinnie looked for a perfect place he also wanted it to be perfect "maybe that little hill?" "you read my mind." you laughed once you guys set up on the tiny hillside you took of your masks, everyone was social distancing only taking of their masks at their blanket.

"we should so this more often, it's cute." the star were out without a care in the world, the weather was perfect. you could see the skyline of Los Angeles, tiny lights coming from the building's "yeah we should invite, maddy & jordan next time." you both sat their waiting for you guys to light your lanterns, you both said you would write both of your best memories on too you're lanterns. "so what you gonna write about?" he said for the fifth time "it's a secret, love & you won't even tell me yours so what's the point." you giggled

the clock finally hit nine at night, the time we could light our lanterns. everyone was excited to let their lanterns float in the air, "baby where's is the lighter?" he searched you bag "it's in the bag noisy." "ohh found it." "okay who's reading there's first?" he asked politely "I'll go." I said "dear vinnie, our most precious memory together that I could choose out of the thousand," he laughed at my joke "is when we took that on light night walk & you said it wouldn't rain and it started raining. but I can't stay mad at you because at exact is when we shared our first " I love you's" "awh I liked that one." he said

"okay my turn. is when we moved in together. and how we stayed up all night not even unpacking but having a dance party in the kitchen, no matter but silly or dumb you look dancing I'll always love you." "you're gonna make me cry!" you playfully pushed him "sorry I didn't mean too." after that everyone started counting "3,2,1" you let you're lanterns in the air watching them go.

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