00.19 [fairy]

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it was about mid way through sunrise, i haven't slept right in weeks worrying about leanna, our 2 month old baby. vinnie was very supported about me, you know worrying about her & talking care of her needs, buts it's hard i just wanna be with her 24/7 not leaving her site. "you really need to get sleep, love." he lends himself on the doorframe of her room "but what if she cried? i won't be there," i kept making excuses to stay with her "no, no." he said "she's safe, we are both here to help her. but you need sleep." i placed her in the crib "come on, she's fine."

we made our way, to our master bedroom "baby?" "hm." he humming back in response " I'm scared." I said "why are you scared love?" he turned to face me " i just don't want her growing up, thinking i wasn't there for her." he cradled me into his chest " you're gonna be the best mom you can be." he kissed my forehead "no, sleep love you need." and with i was knocked out, sleeping till tomorrow knowing that, being the best/perfect isn't always the answer, but loving someone is enough.

•leanna's third birthday•

"why good morning, birthday girl!" she stood in her crib waiting to be picked up by one of her parents, "oh my, why you grow up so fast?" thought she didn't understand what you're saying she laughed "of course, laugh at mommy." she just stares at you with a smile "let's go with dada, yeah?" she screamed at vinnie's name waiting for me to start walking "tú y tu padre, la misma persona." you sometimes spoke to her in spanish wanted her to learn different languages " are those my girls i hear?" vinnie stood at the island of the kitchen, with my & his parents "oh my! the birthday girl!" me & vinnies mother's ran up too Leanna, "so when are the guests coming?" in a little. and with that we started setting up. it was a beautiful butterfly theme party, or fairy party. Leanna didn't care all she wanted to do was get into her dress & be with her friends, and paint.

we sang, happy birthday to Leanna. see looks so happy seeing all of her family & friends here with here. everyone eventually went home leaving us with a mess, but we did care. after we all took showers & did our night routine we made our way to bed "she feel asleep, we did annoy her with pictures all day." i chuckled "yeah, but hey let her dream away." "cannot believe she's three, wow just..wow." he said " you wanna make me cry, don't you?" you turned over to face him " no no, i don't know." he kissed me as an apology "remember when i just didn't wanna let her go, didn't sleep for weeks." "yeah, but hey. she's knows that she's loved by everyone. and she's more loved by you & me." he cuddled you "yeah, well...goodnight bebe."

___________________________sorry for not posting, much love♥️-v

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sorry for not posting, much love♥️

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