00.9 [talk 2 much]

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Jordan's pov

we both...well [y/n] feel asleep on the couch me on the other hand awake, I should've never ordered that iced coffee. now I'm fully awake & can't sleep. " babe, babe." she turned to face me "yes? jordan?" she struggles to keep herself awake. now i feel bad for waking her up.

" I'm sorry for waking you, but i can't sleep. i know I shouldn't of gotten that coffee but babe i wasn't thinking & now I feel bad, you know wh-" she shuts me up with a kiss " love I'm not mad, but you wanna know something?" she asked so quietly " whats that love?" " should I be considered?" she giggled " jordan, i never get tired of you, but baby you talk too much." we both laughed

" okay I'll shut up, but sing to me yeah?" after that she sang to me the whole night. god i love this woman.

____________________ik short but enjoy it🌿

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ik short but enjoy it🌿


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