00.31 [the other woman]

717 11 0

[40's - both 25]

         "there's no such thing as love, he'll always have a second. but stay in love his first forever." the words ranging in my head with tears running slowly down my face. as i dialed a number it rings three times before they pick up "mommy?" "sweetie are you okay? why are you crying?" i slid down the wall sobbing "why couldn't you have warned me about being the other woman!"

        as a little girl my mother told me to always be first choice she was surprised when she found out she was my old man first choice, he told her "the others could compare" that's the first look i got in to romance, it's first choice or nothing because second will be a last resort over looked by the first woman. i had a good childhood two loving parents, a nice stable home, a hard working dad with a even more powerful mom, i looked up to both of my parents hoping one day to have something like them.

         i actually found someone i could have something like that we've been a thing for two years now. we met at a friend gathering he was dressed as expensive as money could get and i dressed in a black dress hugging every curve you could see. he made me laugh all throughout the night even saying he'd like to take me out, the whole night i though i found the one and that he found his first. he was so casual at first taking me out, staying over, holding my hand in public doing romantic things that loved ones should do. but he started getting more angry? frustrating with everything i did buying me things or having me for his pleasure as an apology or excuse for me to forget i never forgot. but he still stayed right? he still loved me, right?

      "oh it's beautiful, how'd you know?" the red jewel sat pretty and shiny on its stand with its velvet box, "doll i always knew." he then placed his built arms behind my head, "I'm speechless, wow thank you." a smile should've been enough for him, right now we sat in the very back of the bar because he wanted our little get togethers to be 'private' that's along the words he said.

      "why can't you take me to a fancy dinner? and why can't i hold your hand in public?" i played nervously with the ring he'd bought me. he sat facing away from me with a alcoholic drink in his hand, "[y/n] you're starting to piss me off, stop asking so many questions." he took a sip from him drink before getting up "now go home, maybe get some beauty sleep. and I'll make those dinner reservations, yeah?" he gave me a heartwarming kiss goodbye then called his driver to take me home.

    "don't you get it? you're the second choice!" he said it, he fucking said it. "a second choice?! a second choice! I'm nobody's second choice, you're my first to me! you used me for your class pleasure?!" i screamed in his face whilst pacing around the apartment "yes! I've been having a first! she's actually pregnant with my child! you were something for when i bored or lonely. you [y/n] are nothing but a second choice." he pointed his finger at me "oh, well I'll be leaving." i gathered all my belongings and made my way to the entrance but before i left i spoke my truth "oh and by the way no one has a second choice when their first is pregnant! go to hell, and pray that the baby never gets it father genes! fuck you I'll be leaving now." i slammed the door, but he ran out to the follow me "you don't get to threaten my child! you'll always be the other woman [y/n]! always & forever!" he laughed

      i put on the black wedding dress with the matching vail, my night black hair basically matching it with the red ring sitting pretty and perfect on my finger. "you look beautiful honey, he'll never think about a second choice." my mother said "i hope your right, you remember what happened to the first one." i smiled looking at the little heart locket "karma is powerful honey." she said "yes, mother it is."

___________________________say thanks to lana for this story <3

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say thanks to lana for this story <3


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