00.33 [waiting room]

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     the waiting room, that's where i & vinnie were spending our friday night waiting on vinnie after he fell of his skateboard landing completely on his left arm & slightly on his head. i sat in the corner of the room charging my phone waiting on what they say about his injury "[last name]?"

      the nurse called out i raised my hand signaling that i was present, picking up my things & following the nurse to a room that was surrounded by curtains (yk what I'm talking about?) at the end of the hallway "he's fine, it's a sprain but he'll have to wear this 'temporary' cast for a month and for the head 'injury' he'll just have to be on pain medication for the headaches, but he's good to go" she shook my hand, and gave me a smile before walking off.

        i pull the curtain aside, "hello?" he lays in a hospital bed with his eyes closed in a hospital gown. and his hand on a pillow to stay elevated with the black cast, he opens his eyes to meet with yours "hi, i missed you." he's droopy head tries to stay up but i quickly place his head back down "you need to relax, you hit your head pretty hard." he laughed "i know, because i felt everything." you sat down in the chair right beside the bed, "what did the nurse say?" he turned over to face me "that you're free to go, but you'll have to be on pain medication for your headaches & to just keep an out for the sprain."

while vinnie got dress, the doctor talked to you about the medication he'll be taking for a month "so he'll take this medication for the head injury he will have one for breakfast after he eats, of course and one after dinner." he said "and for the sprain?" i asked "he can take whatever medication for that, nothing to strong but that's all take care." i shook his hand as he walked off to his other patient "vin, you done?" i walk in to see in all dressed and picking up his stuff "be careful, i don't want you putting much force on that hand." you win him to grab his stuff.

"[y/n], baby you're not my mom.. and I'll be fine it's not like i died." he scoffed, you hit his shoulder "don't say that, not something to joke about." you begin walk to the exit "sorry i was just joking, anyways thanks for taking care of me." he pulled my face with his good hand giving me a peck "okay let's drive you home, i tired."

____________bye <3

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bye <3

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