00.20 [space]

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"we just-i we just both of us need space away from each other." vinnie said "no shit." you mumbled "hey! I'm trying for the both of us no need to be a bitch about it!" he yelled again "don't raise you're voice at me." i said calmly "no because you're being a bitch! your the worst girlfriend! you only care about yourself! you know what I'm actually happy i cheated on you're ass, you good for nothing-!" he stopped for a moment, recollecting the words he just said. "okay well, sense I'm not wanted here, I'll give you're fucking space." i picked up my stuff & ran out the door "no wait! wait! i didn't mean it." getting in my car his yelling was now muffled "you know i didn't mean it! open the door! or roll down your window!" he banged on the window multiple times, i just sat there hearing him scream is heart out but no matter what he said it himself "you're the worst girlfriend ever." that's all the replays in my mind.

•vinnie's pov•

"just open the door please !" i was sobbing, she then put the care in reverse "no! no! don't leave! [y/n] don't leave! please!" she drove away, i didn't run, or yell for her to come back, i just stood there. in the middle of the road. "[y/n]!" jordan ran outside to convince me to comeback inside "[y/n]!" "come on vinnie let's go back." he basically had to drag me inside the house everyone tried making me feel better but nothing worked.

"call her, please." "no vinnie-" "call her! tell her to come back!" it's been one week & she hasn't call, texted or even posted anything "what if she's hurt, and I'm not there or- or she left me for someone else." tears just we're nonstop, "she's fine." maddie tried reassuring me "but how do you know?!" they finally gave in & handed me my phone.

opening my contacts, looking for her number. it rings twice, hoping she would pick up. and she did.


[y/n]! baby! you picked up! ]

[sorry sir, you have the wrong number.]

[wh- what are you sure? ]

after that the person on the other line hung up, "fuck!" i picked up keys. it was midnight not a person that was sober, walking the streets mindlessly thinking their in some other universe. she's not gone she'll be there safe, no one bothering her it's [y/n] she wouldn't leave without telling anyone. i told myself the whole way to her house.

making my way into the driveway, getting nervous. "why are you nervous! it her house you been her many times." my head was getting the best of me, "breathe." turning off the car, i made my way to her front door. i knocked. that's when everything went slow. "hello sir can we help?" the older woman said with her husband behind her.

after that everything went black.

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