00.32 [savior complex [pt.2]

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Thursday's... vinnie's videos always takes up most of his daytime leaving him just a little bit of time to be with me. editing videos or just planning to make one takes a little longer than planned. — he's always in his office making sure he's ready for next week's video or a stream he's looking forward to doing he's a busy man.

that's why i his girlfriend help with the little things around the apartment. doing the laundry, cleaning just normal-boring stuff, while also maintaining my schedule. "hey businessman" — i said whilst walked towards his desk, he turned his chair over giving me a smile before putting his headphones down and pulling me on his lap "hi you, done doing homework?" he asks, "nope, don't even remind me tired of it." — i lay my head between his neck and shoulder "hey, what about we go out to eat?" he kissed my forehead i picked up my head for his neck "yes please i don't feel like cooking, where to hacker?" — you said kissing his head.. "i say let's order from that sushi place right down the street, yeah?"

you locked the apartment door behind you before walking out. you wore a sage green hoodie, — with black nike sweatpants & comfy slippers.. "you ready?" he wore a red hoodie also with some black sweatpants & his nike slides. — "yup, got everything?" you patted yourself down he nodded his head & taking his hand with yours. "let's go then."

"why don't you ever let me pay?" — he asked holding the door for you as you walked out with bags full of food "because it's what girlfriends do." — you say kissing him "okay at least you could let me help you with the bags" he took one bag from your left hand "we got enough for leftovers." — "if there is gonna be any." he joked, you laughed "holy shit it's cold," you shiver slightly "love, it's California it can't make up its mind," — "you're right, hey next week you should take sometime off.. you could really use it." you walked into the apartment complex walked towards the elevator.

"yeah, and i am sorry for not spending as much time with you.. work has been kicking my ass." — you giggled "i can tell, but a little get away won't hurt anyone now." he smirks "now where would you like to go?" "renting out a beach house sounds fun," we reach our floor making our way into the apartment "fine, come on silly we don't got all night & this sushi is calling my name."

_______________________sorry for this late story! enjoy <3

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sorry for this late story! enjoy <3

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