00.11 [lights up]

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the street lights were the only thing that kept you from seeing the roads ahead of the two. everything seemed so different at night all the apartments had there lights on weather it was led or normal lights it still made the world seem smaller. the lovebirds took a very late night walk thinking that it would tired them out but it made them more motivated to keep walking wherever there heading.

"you wanna listen to music?" you looked at him confuse "do you have your earphones?" vinnie reached in his pocket taking out the tangled earphones " hey don't laugh at me!" vinnie said as he struggles to untangle the earphones "sorry vin, just think it's funny." you put your arms around his neck swaying back and forth " i like this." he whispers "me too, wish it was always this quiet."

he lend his other half of the earphones & placed it in your ear " Harry styles, please!" vinnie hasn't even opened his phone & you already made a request "anything for you." you both listen to music through you whole walk singing every word, not missing one. "step into the light, I'm not ever going back!" "be so sweet, if things just ain't the same!" you sang happily

 "step into the light, I'm not ever going back!" "be so sweet, if things just ain't the same!" you sang happily

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hopefully u enjoyed 🏌🏽

00.06 vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now