00.15 [stuck with me]

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all you're friends talked about work & up coming trips with family and friends, but all you had on your mind was vinnie. yes, you did miss your friends but you've just adjusted your whole life around that man "so [y/n] what you and vincent  gonna do for your anniversary?" nina was your cousin & though she was younger she loved bossing you and vinnie around "we don't know yet, you know hard schedule to work with." you said "oh you two so go here" "no no they should go there" you couldn't really care where you went.

you had a book in your hands while you read out loud to vinnie, he never stopped asking questions about the book or situation in the book say stuff like "but if she was her sister, and loved her then why she kill her?" he lay down in my lap "babe i don't know, we're just n chapter seven we have millions to go." you flipped through the pages "women are, questionable?" you both laughed

after dinner you drove home, unlocking the door you hear the sound of the dogs barking, you stepped in house while he dogs were going crazy "chill guys, no need for that. you missed me that much?!" you gave them kisses on the nose "babe!" vinnie ran up to you " hey i missed you too!" "extra hugs and kisses from my favorite boys?" you kissed vinnie's face, and walked to the living room "let's talk about dinner, how's the girl any chesme?" you laugh at how vinnie pronounce things in spanish he slowly go the hang of it "no these no chesme baby." "hey at least i used it in a sentence!" he threw up his hands "no no im proud of you."

you both brush your teeth, flossing of course. vinnie was talking up the whole bed thank god it's a king "hey! move over!" you tickled him to his side "stowppp!" he laughed and almost fell off the bed " okay okay!" we said out of breath " time for bed like for real." I called the dogs because they always sleep with us at the foot of the bed.

we turned off the lights "baby." he mumbled "yes?" I whispered back "you're stuck with me forever." he kisses you on the cheek

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