00.7 [heart of glass]

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it's about 11 at night almost midnight, jordan being himself though it be a good idea to have a jam session in the car. you weren't complaining unless you got too play the music. & jordan didn't mind he had the same taste as you.

"you want anything too eat?" driving in los angels at night & with jordan made everything better " no I'm okay babe" he put his hand on your thigh, right now the car was silent, but not awkward. very much relaxing. you guys had fun just taking good pictures, messing around taking about upcoming trips or family reunion stuff like that.

the clock struck midnight, and just when I hit 'heart of glass' started playing you & jordan looked at each other though the car was dark you could still see his eyes more beautiful as ever. you could drown in them if you wanted to shit you've gotten lost in them so many times, but you wouldn't change it for the world.

jordan's pov

her eyes, lips anything about her i loved. obsessed with she's my everything something that gives me reason to wake up in the morning, or just a reason to breathe " I love you." we both screamed over the song. she read my mind " i wannabe with you forever." i mouthed to her

after our jam session we headed home, we got ready for bed & cuddle all night both not wanting to let go ever.

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